Inactive and mail

Started by wolf bite, April 09, 2008, 02:14:15 PM

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wolf bite

Inactive and mail

Many times people have questioned why the Staff has players send a PM to Account #2 after they have been resurrected from being inactive. I thought I would explain the reason.

Long ago people would spend all their money and buy out their mercs to gain the top spot. The trouble was that they were then locked from taking more turns because they were out of money. If they took a turn, armies would die, if they sold off armies, then their wonderful net would drop. So they would sit unbreakable and wait, after the game made them inactive, they would simply ask Retto to resurrect them, and then they would again sit inactive. They would do this about 3 times and would have held the top spot for 10 days and claim emperorship without even taking a turn for the whole time.

It was decided that in order to be resurrected a player must take at least one turn and that a player can not be resurrected 2 times in a row. 

The way this works to make sure people are following the rules is:
Once a person has been resurrected, they must take at least one turn, maybe all of them for all it matters. Then send a PM to Account #2. The Admins can check net worth change in the player to verify they are really playing. The PM also gives us a "time stamp" to verify if the person again goes inactive a few days later that they may not qualify for a second resurrection.

Wolf Bite

Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Honestly, I think the time should be extended...  its what, 6 or so days?
On reg you get full turns about every 4 days or so.  Its not that hard to forget to run.  Two days after you get full turns you die.  It just doesn't seem right.

And I dont think anyone ever attempted to claim emp in that way, or have they?  It doesn't count anyways, since when they die they lose rank 1 and have to restart the count.  And although someone may lock themselves with troops, usually they're smart enough to leave enough resources so they can use one turn every 5 days.  Either that, or they can have an ally send something up.  I dont think we've ever had a guy in first for any period of time that didn't have a small supporting group. 
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

wolf bite

Long ago people did try to use this to claim the top spot. Now a-days I don't think anyone would try. I have never yet had someone go inactive 2 times in one week. And frankly even if they did, I would not care unless they had the top spot.

But it can't hurt to keep the record just in case another player questions the actions of the Staff. It is one fast PM for the player.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles