City Bug

Started by Yellow Eyes, March 24, 2008, 09:44:21 AM

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Yellow Eyes

I didn't find this addressed anywhere, so I figured I'd post it up.

I was going to build a city, and I had everything I needed, 1000 free land, money food, etc...but I only had 2 turns, which would only have allowed me to build about 730 I tried to build my city and it gave me an error saying I couldn't build that many, and  so I waited, and then when I had enough turns, I built my city, but lost no turns. Might want to look into that.

And on a few side notes about my curioustiy....

why does your networth drop if you build a city? You're not loosing anything, are you?
If you demolish a city, do you get all your stuff back?

Peace Alliance

NW drops every time you build, unbuilt land is worth more.

thanks for the heads on the city. I actually think it's supposed to be that way, to avoid some demolishing exploits for certain themes on turbo... But i can't currently think of why, so maybe thats false.

Yellow Eyes

Yeah, you could be rite. I just didn't think tht far into it, that it would block you from building, but then take the turns away, so you're probably rite about blocking the exploits.