Surprise attack

Started by Shadow, December 25, 2007, 09:08:35 PM

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Is there a point? In my entire time at RWL, I have never once used it.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


If you in clan, and attacked by SURPRISE ATTACK, then, if you shering forces in your clan and your team mates to, this forces coming to your aid in battle.

I am not sure of that in 100% yet.

RS-Wolf Methos


It's really only useful if you have a 5+ man clan all with decent net and one of the guys has the majority of the land, but your not in a clan so you arent getting the war bonus, and you can't break this guy because he has a good troop spread, but you know you have more OP than he has DP, so you surprise attack him.
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