Old market

Started by Shadow, May 03, 2008, 12:33:17 PM

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Rats    Feng Kestrel (#36)    5,556,278    $198    
Rats    Feng Kestrel (#36)    5,556,291    $200    
Rats    Feng Kestrel (#36)    2,167,625    $300    
Rats    Crystal (#16)    4,157,867    $500    
Rats    Lord Aedan's Militia (#11)    4,757,523    $500    
Rats    vorzak the clever (#29)    42,000    $500    
Rats    ArmyOfOne (#17)    4,066,520    $500    
Rats    Hide and Seek (#22)    2,260,304    $500    
Rats    ArmyOfOne (#17)    33,347,883    $550    
Rats    Crystal (#16)    7,128,559    $600    
Rats    Hide and Seek (#22)    344,304    $600    
Rats    ArmyOfOne (#17)    6,146,124    $650    
Rats    Hide and Seek (#22)    7,739,220    $1,000    
Rats    Jager Bomb (#6)    394,823    $1,250    
Rats    Sharptooth (#24)    224,692    $1,250    
Rats    Saladin (#10)    28,692    $1,250    
Rats    Sabriel (#21)    1,227,476    $1,250    
Stoats    Feng Kestrel (#36)    1,984,400    $500    
Stoats    Feng Kestrel (#36)    7,938,587    $700    
Stoats    Feng Kestrel (#36)    2,976,600    $850    
Stoats    Feng Kestrel (#36)    1,984,400    $875    
Stoats    Gladiator (#15)    139,192    $900    
Stoats    Wulfgar (#28)    5,837,350    $900    
Stoats    Hide and Seek (#22)    3,165    $900    
Stoats    Hidden Fox (#14)    1,241,884    $900    
Stoats    Feng Kestrel (#36)    6,823,106    $950    
Stoats    Supr Nova (#9)    600,000    $950    
Stoats    Shadow (#5)    800,212    $1,000    
Stoats    Lord Aedan's Militia (#11)    2,936,000    $1,000    
Stoats    Saladin (#10)    363,787    $1,000    
Stoats    Wulfgar (#28)    2,273,100    $1,000    
Stoats    Feng Kestrel (#36)    4,321,470    $1,000    
Stoats    Feng Kestrel (#36)    1,984,400    $1,200    
Stoats    Feng Kestrel (#36)    2,473,725    $1,350    
Stoats    Saladin (#10)    158,473    $1,500    
Stoats    Lord Aedan's Militia (#11)    2,243,854    $1,500    
Stoats    Hide and Seek (#22)    502,848    $1,500    
Stoats    Hide and Seek (#22)    929,629    $1,800    
Stoats    ArmyOfOne (#17)    213,828    $1,900    
Stoats    Lord Aedan's Militia (#11)    64,298    $2,000    
Stoats    Crystal (#16)    1,722,151    $2,000    
Stoats    Hide and Seek (#22)    106,106    $2,000    
Stoats    Crystal (#16)    7,871,010    $2,400    
Stoats    (#12)    2,010,298    $2,500    
Stoats    ArmyOfOne (#17)    11,687,159    $2,500    
Stoats    Hide and Seek (#22)    2,543,200    $2,500    
Stoats    Hide and Seek (#22)    1,118,820    $3,500    
Stoats    Sharptooth (#24)    10,010    $4,000    
Stoats    Hide and Seek (#22)    1,317,820    $4,000    
Stoats    Jager Bomb (#6)    14,975,815    $5,000    
Stoats    Taek (#34)    836,412    $5,000    
Food    Black Smoke (#20)    130,000,000    $10    
Food    Hidden Fox (#14)    100,000,000    $11    
Food    Black Smoke (#20)    500,000,000    $11    
Food    Shadow (#5)    1,099,900,000    $12    
Weasels    Feng Kestrel (#36)    7,937,560    $299    
Weasels    Feng Kestrel (#36)    6,961,252    $300    
Weasels    Dragoneye (#23)    3,500    $300    
Weasels    Shadow (#5)    5,000    $550    
Weasels    Gladiator (#15)    1,009,030    $550    
Weasels    Wulfgar (#28)    5,359,371    $550    
Weasels    Saladin (#10)    63,345    $550    
Weasels    Hidden Fox (#14)    115,456    $550    
Weasels    ArmyOfOne (#17)    2,258,306    $750    
Weasels    Saladin (#10)    1,649,382    $800    
Weasels    ArmyOfOne (#17)    6,330,370    $800    
Weasels    Hide and Seek (#22)    704,704    $800    
Weasels    Hide and Seek (#22)    704,417    $900    
Weasels    Shadow (#5)    58,714    $1,000    
Weasels    Crystal (#16)    955,414    $1,000    
Weasels    Hide and Seek (#22)    808,425    $1,000    
Weasels    Crystal (#16)    3,456,493    $1,200    
Weasels    ArmyOfOne (#17)    2,840,396    $1,200    
Weasels    Hide and Seek (#22)    77,875    $1,500    
Weasels    ArmyOfOne (#17)    8,092,132    $1,700    
Weasels    ArmyOfOne (#17)    742,232    $1,800    
Weasels    Jager Bomb (#6)    210,152    $2,000    
Weasels    (#12)    32,119    $2,000    
Weasels    ArmyOfOne (#17)    1,000,000    $2,000    
Weasels    kell (#7)    17,994,880    $2,500    
Weasels    Sharptooth (#24)    10,015    $2,500    
Weasels    Wulfgar (#28)    10,413,021    $2,500    
Weasels    Taek (#34)    453,221    $2,500    
Skiffs    Feng Kestrel (#36)    1,643,382    $800    
Skiffs    Feng Kestrel (#36)    2,696,287    $900    
Skiffs    Gladiator (#15)    4,881,281    $1,000    
Skiffs    Feng Kestrel (#36)    4,120,260    $1,050    
Skiffs    Wulfgar (#28)    2,000,000    $1,100    
Skiffs    Feng Kestrel (#36)    2,376,447    $1,100    
Skiffs    Hide and Seek (#22)    500,000    $1,100    
Skiffs    Feng Kestrel (#36)    2,060,130    $1,150    
Skiffs    Wulfgar (#28)    2,455,305    $1,200    
Skiffs    Feng Kestrel (#36)    4,442,553    $1,200    
Skiffs    Saladin (#10)    316,029    $1,250    
Skiffs    Wulfgar (#28)    1,462,850    $1,250    
Skiffs    Supr Nova (#9)    1,488,396    $1,250    
Skiffs    Feng Kestrel (#36)    825,250    $1,250    
Skiffs    ArmyOfOne (#17)    88,977    $1,250    
Skiffs    Shadow (#5)    425,300    $1,250    
Skiffs    Feng Kestrel (#36)    1,045,030    $1,350    
Skiffs    Saladin (#10)    20,840    $1,450    
Skiffs    Supr Nova (#9)    647,733    $1,450    
Skiffs    Wulfgar (#28)    393,000    $1,500    
Skiffs    Shadow (#5)    80,000    $1,500    
Skiffs    Saladin (#10)    530,778    $1,500    
Skiffs    Firetooth (#25)    3,332,050    $1,750    
Skiffs    ArmyOfOne (#17)    978,807    $1,800    
Skiffs    Saladin (#10)    32,572    $2,000    
Skiffs    Firetooth (#25)    5,220,633    $2,000    
Skiffs    ArmyOfOne (#17)    671,250    $2,400    
Skiffs    Supr Nova (#9)    2,388,291    $2,450    
Skiffs    ArmyOfOne (#17)    5,228,428    $2,500    
Skiffs    Firetooth (#25)    324,145    $2,500    
Skiffs    Hide and Seek (#22)    1,000,000    $2,500    
Skiffs    Firetooth (#25)    200,000    $2,700    
Skiffs    Firetooth (#25)    655,730    $2,800    
Skiffs    ArmyOfOne (#17)    1,820,800    $2,900    
Skiffs    Shadow (#5)    19,639    $3,000    
Skiffs    Crystal (#16)    599,458    $3,000    
Skiffs    Firetooth (#25)    668,733    $3,000    
Skiffs    ArmyOfOne (#17)    3,868,182    $3,000    
Skiffs    Hide and Seek (#22)    1,500,000    $3,500    
Skiffs    Hide and Seek (#22)    6,832,111    $4,000    
Skiffs    Hide and Seek (#22)    1,500,000    $4,500    
Skiffs    (#12)    1,284,120    $5,000    
Skiffs    Hide and Seek (#22)    27,772,046    $5,000    
Skiffs    Supr Nova (#9)    1,137,205    $6,000    
Skiffs    Hide and Seek (#22)    500,000    $7,000    
Skiffs    Sabriel (#21)    6,435,553    $7,500    
Skiffs    Sharptooth (#24)    500,000    $7,500    
Skiffs    Jager Bomb (#6)    40,000    $7,500    
Skiffs    Wulfgar (#28)    10,125,430    $7,500    
Skiffs    Firetooth (#25)    2,398,752    $7,500    
Skiffs    Orion (#42)    269,406    $7,500    
Skiffs    Taek (#34)    1,708,992    $7,500

Conclusion: We REALLY need the old market display system back.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I disagree
This setup allows for complete transparency of what each player has, which is really neat for this round.

It also allows players to not purchase from certain players, for various reasons.
Or allows them to purchase only from certain people.

I do think that if a player has several groups of x troops for y price, the entries should be combined, at least on the display page.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


well then at least I think that the cheapest entry of each troop for each player should be the only one displayed.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

The Lady Shael

The market already groups together same market items from the same seller at the same price. The market never gets this large normally, it's only being overused because of the theme this round.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


It does that already?  Spiff

And nope Shadow.  There are occasions I'd want to buy the higher priced items.  IE, on the 4th day before a clanmate's troops expire
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


Diaplying only the cheapest troop packages each player has up instead of every different entry they make would keep the same functionality while clearing up a lot of the clutter. It all exprires eventually, and if you are buying expensive troops it is assumed that you are getting the cash back, so it wouldn't interfere with that at all.

It would look like this:

Quote from: Shadow on May 03, 2008, 12:33:17 PM
Rats    Feng Kestrel (#36)    5,556,278    $198    
Rats    Crystal (#16)    4,157,867    $500    
Rats    Lord Aedan's Militia (#11)    4,757,523    $500    
Rats    vorzak the clever (#29)    42,000    $500    
Rats    ArmyOfOne (#17)    4,066,520    $500    
Rats    Hide and Seek (#22)    2,260,304    $500    
Rats    Jager Bomb (#6)    394,823    $1,250    
Rats    Sharptooth (#24)    224,692    $1,250    
Rats    Saladin (#10)    28,692    $1,250    
Rats    Sabriel (#21)    1,227,476    $1,250    
Stoats    Feng Kestrel (#36)    1,984,400    $500       
Stoats    Gladiator (#15)    139,192    $900    
Stoats    Wulfgar (#28)    5,837,350    $900    
Stoats    Hide and Seek (#22)    3,165    $900    
Stoats    Hidden Fox (#14)    1,241,884    $900    
Stoats    Supr Nova (#9)    600,000    $950    
Stoats    Shadow (#5)    800,212    $1,000    
Stoats    Lord Aedan's Militia (#11)    2,936,000    $1,000    
Stoats    Saladin (#10)    363,787    $1,000    
Stoats    Lord Aedan's Militia (#11)    2,243,854    $1,500    
Stoats    ArmyOfOne (#17)    213,828    $1,900    
Stoats    Crystal (#16)    1,722,151    $2,000    
Stoats    (#12)    2,010,298    $2,500    
Stoats    Sharptooth (#24)    10,010    $4,000    
Stoats    Jager Bomb (#6)    14,975,815    $5,000    
Stoats    Taek (#34)    836,412    $5,000    
Food    Black Smoke (#20)    130,000,000    $10    
Food    Hidden Fox (#14)    100,000,000    $11    
Food    Shadow (#5)    1,099,900,000    $12    
Weasels    Feng Kestrel (#36)    7,937,560    $299    
Weasels    Dragoneye (#23)    3,500    $300    
Weasels    Shadow (#5)    5,000    $550    
Weasels    Gladiator (#15)    1,009,030    $550    
Weasels    Wulfgar (#28)    5,359,371    $550    
Weasels    Saladin (#10)    63,345    $550    
Weasels    Hidden Fox (#14)    115,456    $550    
Weasels    ArmyOfOne (#17)    2,258,306    $750    
Weasels    Hide and Seek (#22)    704,704    $800        
Weasels    Crystal (#16)    955,414    $1,000    
Weasels    Hide and Seek (#22)    808,425    $1,000    
Weasels    Crystal (#16)    3,456,493    $1,200    
Weasels    Jager Bomb (#6)    210,152    $2,000    
Weasels    (#12)    32,119    $2,000    
Weasels    kell (#7)    17,994,880    $2,500    
Weasels    Sharptooth (#24)    10,015    $2,500    
Weasels    Taek (#34)    453,221    $2,500    
Skiffs    Feng Kestrel (#36)    1,643,382    $800    
Skiffs    Gladiator (#15)    4,881,281    $1,000    
Skiffs    Wulfgar (#28)    2,000,000    $1,100    
Skiffs    Hide and Seek (#22)    500,000    $1,100    
Skiffs    Saladin (#10)    316,029    $1,250    
Skiffs    Supr Nova (#9)    1,488,396    $1,250    
Skiffs    ArmyOfOne (#17)    88,977    $1,250    
Skiffs    Shadow (#5)    425,300    $1,250    
Skiffs    Saladin (#10)    20,840    $1,450    
Skiffs    Supr Nova (#9)    647,733    $1,450    
Skiffs    Shadow (#5)    80,000    $1,500    
Skiffs    Firetooth (#25)    3,332,050    $1,750    
Skiffs    Crystal (#16)    599,458    $3,000    
Skiffs    (#12)    1,284,120    $5,000    
Skiffs    Sabriel (#21)    6,435,553    $7,500    
Skiffs    Sharptooth (#24)    500,000    $7,500    
Skiffs    Jager Bomb (#6)    40,000    $7,500    
Skiffs    Orion (#42)    269,406    $7,500    
Skiffs    Taek (#34)    1,708,992    $7,500

About half the length of the one before. Meh, don't mind me. I just really don't like the transparent market setup ^_^
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Alazar is Back

Haha i could really piss everyone off and just put like 1 rat on from like $1 to $1250 :P but of course i am too lazy, personally i dont really care what the market looks like cause i am indying and will probably never buy off of the market....
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

One of the most underrated players at RWL..

Peace Alliance

Alazar if you're not buying food from the market then you're wasting land.

Alazar is Back

I did buy food off the market, but i use very little of it...well now i am no longer indying so yeah....
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

One of the most underrated players at RWL..