
Started by Krull of the Kaptors, March 02, 2003, 03:44:09 PM

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Krull of the Kaptors

 I was recently attacked by a horde that had only 3,000 land yet more stoats than me. I may be suspecting cheating, or multi-accounts. I understand the title of the horde may also be very innapropriate. People do get disabled for swearing or innaproriate horde names, I think "New Russia: Josh is a big gay nig" is no exception.


 You're playing again? ^_^;;; well, yeah, that guy is someone who wanted to take down Josh, so they're probably cheating. No matter, the name should get them banned.


 i had more stroats because i had someone send me a lot. Yeah i wanted to take down josh but since hes banned...My name isnt inapropraite either, unless your racsist against black people, or prejudice against gays, or u just hate russia, like its just the truth about josh so dont cry about it


 Stalin, you're a racist in that you are refering to people as "nigs", slang for black people, and a very discriminatory word. Also, your futile attacks are annoying, though I did like taking all your land.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 a word alone is never discriminating

Krull of the Kaptors

 Menatus, I'm playing the Turbo server actually. Just not the regular one. ^_~ When turbo came out, the day I left, I had to give it a shot.

Okay, problem solved, Stalin, who exactly gave you all the stoats? And I don't think calling someone "gay and a nig" is innapropriate and racist, especially when you get banned for cursing. And no, I have no tears dripping from my eyes, as much as you'd like me to.

A word alone can be discriminating, Incognegro.


 Krull is right, Incog.  Racial slurs make it pretty clear where you stand if you use them.

Krull of the Kaptors

 Hey Griev, its me, Slann, from Terrouge. :)


 Cool!  I kept the same name cause it's never going to be the name of my horde.  Although there's got to be something said for matching your board name with your horde name...makes things easier *L*