Otaku Melee- "Role Playing? More like a writer's battle to the death!"

Started by TR Shadow, November 06, 2006, 10:06:11 PM

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TR Shadow

First of all, three reasons why this topic belongs in GD rather than the RP forum:
1. The Otaku Melee is by no means ?traditional role-playing?.  It?s more of an extremely involved forum game.
2. Forum members who are not normally involved in role-playing may want to try this.
3. Who even goes to the RPing forum anyway?  I want people to see this.

Otaku Melee

In this game, there are eight players plus a Game Master.  The GM, of course, runs the game.  The eight players (no more, no less) will each control ONE character. Character guidelines are below.  These characters will engage in a fight to the death in an unknown setting.  Alliances will form and war will break out.  After each round, the setting will change and one character will die.  Which character it will be is based, not on the strength of the character, but on the strength of the writer.  The weakest writer (based on frequency and quality of posts) will be the one whose character bites the dust.  At the end, there will only be one writer left, who will earn the right to host a second Otaku Melee.

Character Guidelines:
1. Your character MUST be humanoid.  Humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, androids, and many others are examples of humanoid characters.  Washing machines, ferrets, rats, and bulldozers are not.  NO ANIMALS.  Shape shifters, however, are OK.
2. Magic is OK, even slightly encouraged, but please have limitations on your character.  If he/she can shapeshift, limit it to only a few forms.  If he/she can read minds, limit it so they doing so takes a good deal of their strength.  You get the idea.
3. Characters MUST be original.  No Martin the Warriors or Don Quixotes.
4. To submit a character, you must fill out the following profile:

Physical Description:
Mental/emotional description:
Other (optional):

The last four (or three, depending if you have anything else to add for ?other?) should probably be at least a paragraph long.


There are two practices extremely frowned upon in this game: god-moding and player-controlling. These are considered very unsporting, and will count against you when the GM is considering who to kill off.

God-moding is when you treat your character as though he were invincible. Theoretically, a character can have infinite power, but if he constantly taps into it to beat the ever-loving snot out of all of the other characters. Even though the story is about characters fighting, the actual battle is one of writing skill, and it's both boring and poor writing to have a character that has no faults. Heck, your character could lose every fight he takes part in, but if you're the best writer, you'll still win.

Player-controlling is when you write extensively about the thoughts and actions of a character other than your own, especially when your portrayal of the character is inaccurate. This rule becomes laxer as the game goes on and you learn more about the subtleties of the characters of others; after all, how are you supposed to write well if you can only talk about one character? Still, try to avoid this near the beginning. The GM will probably be lenient on you for this one unless the player who owns that character complains.

On another note, if you're not prepared to have your character altered by others to at least some degree, please do not sign up. It WILL happen. Only in the case of severe mischaracterization will the GM request a poster to change their post/penalize the poster.

Only eight people will be accepted for this game.  It works on a first come, first serve basis.  After I receive eight profiles, the signups will be closed.  I reserve the right to not accept a character into the game based on badly filled out profiles.   This probably will not happen, however.

After eight people sign up, I will post the prologue and set the stage for the game to begin.


Any particular limit on history and weaponery? Suppose I create a charcter from a historical setting, or perhaps sometime in the far future, would these be acceptable?
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

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TR Shadow

Yes.  Basicly, anything is acceptable as long as it follows the guidelines.