To Arms for SARS

Started by DxSecret, August 08, 2006, 07:45:36 AM

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I'd like to introduce myself...I am DxSecret *also of WGZGames, ZA Promisance, and GX Conquest* comming to you live for the Clan halls of SARS  :evil: Good Luck...and Good Gaming
"I consider myself, a grain of sand on this beach called america. There are 24 million grains of sand & 3 billion on this beach we call earth. If I am lucky the action I am going to take, will show the powerful that even the least grain of sand has within him...the power to destroy them"

wolf bite

My I be the first to welcome you to our community. We hope you find a home with us. Just so you know, at this time each year we have a low in people playing and posting because of vacations and stuff. The Staff is working on making some new and interesting changes to liven things up.

Wolf Bite
(Admin Duties)
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Soccer [The Great]

Welcome Dx.  Need help feel free to message me.. you know my AIM, I will be glad to help ya with what I know.