PhoeniX promisance

Started by ImperialPhoenix, November 07, 2005, 04:27:42 PM

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PhoeniX Promisance is having it's first round on November

the game now gots power meter, you can indy for extra troops, store stuff in clans treasure, and much much more


this week I going to add something new like the forest
which increase the ammount of berries you have. increase industry for a cost of acres of forest(choping down trees and free land is made and acres of forest disappears)

if you have unused land and you spend 100(or less even) turns then all the unused land becomes forest.
forest destroying and caring might become a good stratigy.
islands might be added by next month.
wanna be first to dominate? have a server invasion.
the forum will be remade before next week.


This is actually a good topic... i would not put it in the spa room.  it may get ignored.  but anyways thanks, I'll look into it!
allo i am Demonslavers.  Feel welcome to P.M me anytime

Aim: Babylocke991


The # 1 Turbo Playa'


he was correct

advertising for other games belongs in spa, thanks Phoenix
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


Amazingly most spa topics could make it a while in general dicussion.......
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


check it out when you get a chance, Hope to see you there soon.
there I have, a Chatroom, shoutbox, forum, forum arcade. and more
cooming soon.

I reprogramed the game so that way it allows empires to attack game admins

btw, there is 14 active players playing (including me)

Since this week is here I going to work on a forest code, as soon I get a reply
(starting right now on phoenixbatapromisance)

I might make a new attack called Forest Ambush

the attack that takes alway only acres of forest, NO LAND.
perfect attack to increast the percentage to get acres of forest(should usauly be shared with land)

and to get berries(how many berries on trees?) X(times) that ammount of forest you captured.
like pillage but better, you get only forest, nothing is destroyed,
and you get berries depending on the ammount of forest captured,
if it fails then it would say

"thank goodness the battle ground is in the forest, giving 1/3 of your troops to escape the carnage"

If the useres disagrees then I going to swicth that to 1/4.

I realy hope this topic do go to General Discussion.

wolf bite

Phoenix was very polite and asked me where he could post information about a different game before he posted. The same rules must apply to all evenly or the rules will be used only for favoritism. I believe Retto is right that we don?t have RWL discussions on other people?s forums and they should not post their discussions here to clog up our main topics. We do grant other games the right to have one topic at a time in the spa room in fellowship and as an accommodation to our members that may want to also test out other sites. However there can always be exceptions to the above rule, such as a person posting several topics in Help how to get our program running and after weeks of patiently waiting, having no response.

Wolf Bite
(Admin Duties)
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Dang.. guess i was wrong... oh well... i didnt think it was that spammy!  lol is that a word! haha
allo i am Demonslavers.  Feel welcome to P.M me anytime

Aim: Babylocke991


The # 1 Turbo Playa'

Gen. Volkov

Demonslavers. You are being just as annoying as the last time you were here. If you want, I'll give you advice on proper forum behavior. But for the love of god, stop making inane posts.

*Is shocked to find himself in agreement with Ereptor*
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Badrang the Tyrant

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I can't believe its still like this.
grrr, no fair, and turns are runniong too, dang,
looks like it has to wait


PhoeniX Promisance is back up and soon there is going to be new features like

turn spending images + new website layout (idea from Redwall Warlord game and Valhallgames attack image)
the game is already updated, I just adding new features like new color codes for allies and what clan you warring, DON'T forget
do expect me to attack your empire with magic spells like fireball, and if not, then you lucky.
if you new to ROVL/Redwall Warlords or any promisance I suggest you to join other peoples clans like
bawk - Bawk Bawk Bawk, the strongest clan btw.

before I can make that avaible I must do the forest feature + new attack and pillage attack.
PhoeniX Promisance turns is up and running.
the website is nolonger under construction.

*1 Da Bronx (#3)? 28,762 $25,047,862 bawk Human Past
*2 ImperialPhoenix's Empire (#1)? 3,449 $17,661,439 III Phoenix Past ? (light blue anyway)
3 snow (#8)? 6,575 $16,778,218 None Vampire Past
4 S?ppeldynga (#4)? 9,724 $8,882,030 bawk Nox Past
5 empress shelly (#11)? 5,375 $5,833,329 None Pixie Past
6 TURDZ (#10)? 5,426 $5,587,720 None Minotaur Past
7 WarLovers (#9)? 6,324 $4,867,905 None Pirate Past
8 The Lost King (#13)? 3,143 $1,966,427 None Gnome Past
9 dralogros (#6)? 2,459 $1,702,998 bawk Draconian Past
10 dark winged anged (#2)? 1,970 $1,317,526 phoenix Phoenix Past

BTW, Can someone please vadulate my empire, I realy want to play, I am ImperialPhoenix''s Empire (#946)
Notice: ImperialPhoenix have no control over that, they was doing something to make the service better.