New Boards Added to Alder's Holt!

Started by Alder the Warrior, May 08, 2005, 10:34:46 AM

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Alder the Warrior

 Alder's Holt has added a new world. Fantasy Redwall! This is were you cna create your own creatures, or make your favorite species like a tiger or bear which Brian Jaques deosn't allow. Become yourself in this awsome world. Also check out the Redwall Talk forum, the RPs, tournaments, Modern Day Redwall, and soon to come a secret operation. Check it out on May 21st, on a saturday. A hint is the crew is making a new categorey about ships, new species of sea monsters, and maybe even a couple of ship crews to sail for a hidden treasure and a new world, so click here to check it out.
Hate is a choice. Love is a gift. An edict. A command. Love doesn't understand names or labels. It doesn't ask premission. It demands obedience. Hate can change. Love cannot.