Who is...

Started by Fenix, February 19, 2003, 07:09:57 PM

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 At Wed, 19 Feb 2003 18:31:29 -0500, a messenger from Peace Fighters (#145) brought this to you...
we had you whiped out monday, you were at like 400 land and now your in first?!? whats with that?

I wonder who... "we" is... hmmm....
Alot of people attacked me, and almost killed me this time... So I'm just curious who wanted to keep me completely out:/

General Austin

 Me, sort of, but I didn't plan or do anything, if that makes any sense. Btw, how DID you do that?
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 I HACKED[/u] the server, of course.  Right?

General Austin

 I don't think so. You're not evil enough to do that...
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 I'm rank one on the old server. LOL! Heheh...

Anyway, I must have cheated! I am friends with all the KMers and such...=D


bubble gum squad

 well,thats very strange......... <_<  
hehehe.....i like earwax,llamas,coffee,frozen peas and peanut butter.

 Peace Fighters... They were in KOI on the old server, but they left because they 'weren't getting enough aid!' How much aid am I expected to give people??? I sent him $500,000,000 every so often...


 I never send anyone in my clan aid cuz they never ask ^_^;;;


 I had nothing to do with that ;) *cough*

Badrang the Tyrant

 I know how he did it...He attacked tons of people to get his land back..I even looked it up in the News Search  :D  


 Could be the royal "we"...
We all know some of us go egotistical and fluffish on the game PM's... just look at your clans' recruiting notes to see that one! lol


 Of course not, Josh....of course not...


 Meh, the old server's going down so I don't care.  I'm sitll int he top 10, disabled in all ^.-

My best rank is rank 4...