Gold-mine problems

Started by Death Monger, March 03, 2005, 10:15:09 AM

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Death Monger

 Whenever I try to goldmine it says I require -50,000 leaders but i have a leader ratio of over 100. What is wrong? This is in Turbo, just in case you wanted to know.
:huh:  :strange-eyed:


 how many leaders do you have?  if you have 10 leaders and one hut it doesnt quite work ;)
you only need a 40% ratio for goldmine I belive, so you probably just dont have enough leaders...

...This also goes to 'help'...
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Peace Alliance

 heh, i'm not sure if you explained it very well wondy.

alright, what your problem is is that you don't have a good enough leaders/hut ratio.

Each hut makes 10 leaders. So to do a gold mine you need 40% of what the hut holds, so you need 4 leaders per hut.

To figure out your leader ratio without doing the math (in other words, MY way haha) go to your status page, then click on "dashboard" and it'll tell you your leader/hut ratio and your leader/land ratio... and a whole lotta other useless junk.

class dismissed.

wolf bite

 Math and peace never got along too well. It is 100 leaders per hut. The part about the dashboard works well. if things are still not working for you, mail #2 in game and I will go in and check things out from the inside.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Death Monger

 Thanks but I figured it out.. er.... or somethink weird hapened, oh wel. it works now so it = o.k.


 Whenever you need -some number leaders it means all your huts are destroyed, happens to me alot when I indy and I can't put up a shield or prepare raiders.
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Peace Alliance

 lol... yeah its 100... windy threw me off okey!!

and you know what, i'm okey with being stupid. 'cause i can get away with it!


 It still shows an error when you do it (though it works), and it probably still won't tell you how many you need until you can do it...

Edit: Warning: Division by zero in /home/redwallw/public_html/t/spells.php on line 586

Now it doesn't show how much you get...

Edit again: Now it does... but still shows that error.


 i had the same thing happen to me so i just swiched my race and so far i like the new change  

Death Monger

 This is a bit off topic but where can you find what all the races special abilities are in the General's Hut on turbo. This info would be nice thanks

Blood Wake

 I have been failing at gold mine too even at a 90% ratio, its working now except it has that error everytime I do it
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