Should you be allowed to put bounties on people?

Started by malx, February 17, 2003, 01:59:51 PM

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 246 is putting bounties on people. I think that is unfair. You want him dead, do it yourself! ;)  ;)  ;)  
Monkey Dude!!



 Bounties are signs of whining weak people.   If you get attacked, build up your army, and attack back.  That's what my brother is doing, and he's getting the top 10 real good for their treachery.   :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  


 Sometimes it's easier. If you remember, Stormy put up bounties.
We've already discussed this on the old forum, I believe, or something similiar.
I will not deleted this


 For some reason, Trident has a grudge against me for attacking her brother.

Why does everyone's family play? I have brothers, they don't play. And I don't make multiple accounts under their names.


 Trident doesn't have a grudge against me, and I was the first person to attack her on the old server. 50 times sounds about the right number of times I attacked.
I will not deleted this


 Okay, she has a grudge against me for attacking her brother on the OLD SERVER when it doesn't even matter anymore, but she DOESN'T have a grudge against you for attacking a whole bunch on the server when it was new.

Interesting...wait no it's not!


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Badrang the Tyrant

 If someone wants someone dead, they can use thier alliances to destroy them, not just themselves