IQ Test

Started by Aqualis, October 14, 2004, 12:09:13 PM

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 Meh, I got 136 see...

We are confirming that your IQ Test score was: 136

I'm a "genius" lol

Oh man 136 was my old account number!! Freaky!!!
user posted image

Was once a legend, now........ PWNZ ALL!...

Joined: Feb 11 2003, 02:54 AM


 No, I wasn't aiming it at you; I was aiming it at anyone in general. I didn't even get a score on the test. Whoever mentioned the true/false thing, I agree. It's 50/50. Imagine if all school tests were like that!

Anyway, I remember some big IQ thing on FOX and the average was around like 113-114.

I'm just saying I can believe that I have a normal IQ, not something crazy, and if the test said I had like 150 or 180 or 350 I'd be a little suspicious. Obviously a few people have those really high IQs, but someone else posted the statistics and it seems pretty rare to me. So pretty much everybody on this board having it means something?s up. Unless we're the intellectual elites of the world.

You're offended by something that wasn't even directed at you.


 Anyone in general is everyone. XD


 It's not everyone, its anyone who believes the test.