No argument,

Started by Holby, October 18, 2003, 03:04:08 AM

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 I could reply to every single post made about me and Loren which put us in a bad light, and justify myself beyond doubt. However, having stayed up until 2 AM last night and then not getting up until 12 PM today I missed out on my opportunity to speak.
Yet having no posts to respond to immediately at hand, my anger diminishes. It is more disappointment I feel.
This forum is memories, it does not move with the times. New members are jumped on, sometimes ridiculed, because the oldbies like their RWL the way it was.
Obvious statements are overlooked, stupid comments made by these "oldbies" are praised, and no-one is aware of what happens at the present, don't want to know. Maybe this is too generalised, but it is common.

I have changed, yes. I am more aware of my capabilities as a person, more aware of other's faults and strengths, less humorous to most people because I don't feel the need for it, nor do I have anything to prove. Because I have nothing to prove, I don't have to be kind and entertaining just because I want people to like me. I am a better arguer, better debater, and my spelling and grammar has improved since my early days here.
I am a better player of the game, much better. I've had my share of success on RWL, and want others to have the same success. LRecruit has been torn to pieces by these newb-hungry monsters who want their old RWL back.
Some of these changes are negative, though. I am quicker to snap and quicker to judge. I do not forgive easily.

I have discovered most of my true friends, and found those who just want to say they are friends with me, those who could care less.
I am lucky to have those true friends, though, and so many. Maybe not all of those will openly admit they support me, because they still want to be liked, but they are friends none-the-less.
I can't leave RWL, because I'm addicted to the place, to the forums. I wish I could remove myself from these boards, it would be much better for me. Apart from the negative aspects of this place, I want to love my Redwall site as much as I used to, derive pleasure from the knowledge people like what I'm doing. Giving is a great thing. However, I find it is no longer a pastime I enjoy, partly because I am not successful at it, but mainly because most people don't care.

So I'm going to play the expansion with as much enjoyment as I have this past year, but I hope it kicks out all the dead logs that won't allow change.
And I'll try to stick to my friends, those who like me for being Holby, because they've helped me through some rough times.
You guys know who you are, I don't have to say your names.
Again, I wish this place and its members would change, maybe then we could have a popular game again, a pleasant environment for all to come into.

Take care, each and every one of you.
I will not deleted this

Dead Eye

 Holby, I think this is the first time I have ever read word for word giant post in this forum. I read it three times before I could actually post and not sound like a git. And Holby, I actually understand what your saying. And this post you made actually moved me. I am sorry for the way I act to newbs. I am going to change, I promise you. Because I can not leave RWL. And I do not wish for it to die. Holby, I cant promise anything, but I will try harder. I was a git for attacking Loren and Loren Recruits. You and Wolf Bite are going the right way in getting newbs to learn. Good luck Holby. I will try to be nicer to newbs also. This really touched me Holby.  
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 Good show Holbs.  It is good to see someone with a good head on their shoulders.  You have taken your power i assume and not let it go to that smart head of yours.  Keep it up chap.

The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*

Mikalae Gildar

 I also apologize for my actions against the Loren clan.  Though they were partly justified, they were not justified to the point of conflict that I took them.  Please accept my apologies.

Everyone, Loren is a friend now!

*cheers* :lol:  
"A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place, to force them to acknowledge your greatness."

"Then you kill them?"

"...Only if it's necessary."

--Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "Sacrifice of Angels"


 The terms oldbie and newbie are very annoying to me. In understanding what Holby is saying, I also think that there should be absolutely no post count on the entire forums. The quantity of your posts is not a good statement of how you are, but the quality.

There are people on here with a lot of posts, some even near a thousand, who I still think of as new and unskilled because of the way they post. On the other hand (there's four fingers and a thumb! ...ignore me.) there's some people with not many posts at all that I regard with high value as someone with a good opinion who knows a lot about the game and the people.

I think it's something that should be put into consideration. There will be considerably less spam, and a lot more useful posts.

....just listen to Holbsy :)


 Yeah, I have an apology to make to you Loren people I guess...Especially Holbs, who I counted as a friend before, but then lost touch with.

I never realized that times changed when I came back, and if I did, I did not want to accept it. My playing and acting style has not changed since the first era. I am still arrogant, sometimes rude, and incredibly blunt. But that's not how things are anymore. Diplomacy is more of a part of the game, and the old days of the Clan Wars for Supremacy are gone. Everyone is playing for fun, not to be the best. I used to play for both, I guess what I wanted was to be the best at it once and for all, not just always getting to the number two spot behind another huge emperor, then falling back down. I wanted it all, and it was too much. Times have changed.

I just wanted to keep this short. Sorry again, everyone.

The Beatles

 This recent war was terrible for me, and Shael too. We had friends on both sides. We had to pick. Good show!

The Lady Shael

 *quietly* So ends the Last War for Supremacy, marking the end of another Era.

Like Beatles said, this war was very difficult for me. It's hard when you're on one side, destroying your friends on the other side, and watching threads of friendship threatening to snap. I'm glad it's over. I applaud Holby, the leader of Loren, for everything he said in his post; it was very well-written. And I also applaud Kilk, the leader of Imperial, for apologizing and admitting all those things. I'm very proud of you for doing that, and I hope everyone will understand.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 I too apoligies to Loren, and Lrecruit, for those attacks...... And I would like to say thanks Holbs, for showing me something I never saw before. And to you aswell Kilk, for opening up, and showing what you truly felt.

~Blackeyes the Wolf
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 Like many of the others have done, I apologize to attacks on Loren; however, Holby about change, the Loren attacks were committed by people who DO believe in change. The reason for the attacks was that nothing was changing, and Loren was just a sitting duck in power. That's the biggest reason for any attacks: not because we didn't support "change" or because of personal reasons (at least not for me).

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant


 *Shakes head* You've sparked something again, Orcrist. If you read all my posts in the locked topic, you'd understand.
Loren were not enjoying their power, they were only marginally stronger than the rest of them. I was climbing, having only used 2,000 turns. True Loren had numbers, and were the strongest, but only slightly.
Slayer left the top ten open after they disbanded and deleted, because things were boring in the game- for both Slayer and RWL. Slayer made the game interesting again in disbanding, and so did Loren in its creation. Loren battled it out with Blades, and won. That certainly created some disturbance, and breathed some life into the game.
From the sounds of it Orcrist, you're making it as if Imperial were saviours, boosting the game during a tragedy. You have the facts wrong, mate.

Saying all this, let's not start an argument, my topic was never intended to be one, only to express what I felt.
I will not deleted this


 I apologize for any misconception or any misinterpretation I may have caused: Imperial members are not saviours, and, like you, I don't wish to spark an arguement. I'll just leave it as this, because arguing will get us nowhere.

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant