To: Hope Etermal

Started by Mark, February 15, 2003, 03:38:45 PM

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 Why are you sooooo landfat on RWL?
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
user posted image
If someone died for you? Would you care?


 mainly because he got it of me ;)

I am seriously debating posting his troop numbers since he attacked me and took about half of my land ;)   but then thats what was is about right?    oh right im not at war wiht his caln to the best of my knowlage.....  maybee....    In any case if anyone wants to attack him he has less than average troops for somone his rank and his health is at 50%  

have fun all


 He? Menatus is not a he...


 I'm not a he, fools. I don't attack people because I want to go to war with them or because I don't like them, it's just what the game's all about.

The reason I don't have a lot of troops is because people tried attacking me a lot and I lost all my money, thus 3% of my troops a bunch of times.


 All I can say is that he's beating the crud out of my brother, who doesn't liek that at all *gives him a few hints on how to get to the top 10 to get sweeeeeeeet revenge*


 Trident, I've avoided attacking you because I thought we were friends. Just because I'm landfat doesn't mean I can't attack...