Redwall Promisance Game

Started by Bladetail the Ferret, September 01, 2004, 10:15:37 AM

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Bladetail the Ferret

 Hey everyone this is The Otters of Death just came to check my inbox if you like promisance games and you would like to be otters,badgers,hares,sqirrels,mice, shrews,moles,hedehog,and last but not least voles. You can also be the vermin from this game :wacko
I myself choose the otters they are stronger than the badgers.
I will give you the site but tell me if you start the game just send an in game message to The Otters Of Death( Go to the conquest of generals)
the address is: ( ) well i have got to go to bally war don'cha know See ya round.
                 From The Otters Of Death#103


General Austin

 No advertising, mate, even if it is a good game. ;)

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