Rufus Wainwright...

Started by Arguia Zsah, September 07, 2004, 11:03:24 AM

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 I <3 Rufus Wainwright!
My faves by him have to be 'Instant Pleasure' and 'Hallelujah.' (Hallelujah is the Shrek one...)

When I was with Addy for those two weeks, we spent almost every day driving around in those lovely hills with Hallelujah on his car's stereo... It's especially nice when you're out at 11 in the chilly English air, on top of Selsey hill looking down at the little lights in the half-dozen villages below. *sighs dreamily*

Ashyra Nightwing

 I like Rufus Wainwringht!

I also eat with teaspoons.

Arguia Zsah

 oh! I love "14th Street" and "Hallejulah", I don't know if I've heard "instant pleasure". do have his album "want one"? i love all the songs on that! <3  <3