RWL is alive

Started by wolf bite, August 13, 2004, 12:17:41 AM

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Quote from: JuskaMorzan: His rats would be wiped out because 20% come to his aid.
Your buddy has 10,000,000 rats you have zero Someone attacks you and breaks your buddy sends 2,000,000 rats and losses 4% of those 2,000,000 = 1,920,000, now your buddy had 9,920,000 rats hen you get attacked again he sends 1,984,000 now he losses 4% of those = 1,905,000 now your buddy has 9,905,000. I could go on untill every single on of your buddies rats dies, but it would take too long to do the math and type it.

All leader attack should also affect your buddy, but only at 1/4 of the % you lose, 20% of your buddies leader should come to your aid.
Unless... you like seperate your forces. Almost like a partition on a hard drive. You know what I mean? The forces are split whenever the user logs in, 80% and 20%, but in that time, the 80% never goes into the 20% etc.

So buddy has 1,000,000 rats, and you have 0. Buddy's rats are split into 80% Main forces and 20% Buddy Forces. So buddy has 800,000 and 200,000 rats. You get attacked, and buddy's 200,000 rats come to the rescue. 3% die, so now you have 800,000 and 200,000 - 3%, this could go on until all the Buddy Forces are gone, but the main 800,000 will never be touched. I dunno how you would manage re-adding troops to the Buddy Force, but it could get really neat if there was a good interface for it.


 Modifying reg does not serve the purpose. I believe a 2 per 10 server for new players with restrictions is a great idea. I also believe that those with the skill to succeed in the other servers should be fair and not join the playing field. With experienced players to monitor and provide assistance, this would not be a problem I would think.

As for advertising, we have to respect Retto's wishes. Word of mouth always has a big impact, so getting your friends from school involved, or just mates from other ROC dark corners or similar games would be helpful. I think we can double the player #'s if we make some attempt.

<3 RNN 4Eva! <3  
I will not deleted this


 V-  You have to reattach the 20% each time someone attacks, becauseif they just stuck out there soeone would attak your buddy then attack you while you have 20% less troops. To get maximum defense 20% is remade. That's how protectorates. If someone attack the person I was protecting sooner or later he could kill all my troops, of course he could just break me aswell if he new we were protectorates.  
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 Hey guys! Sorry I havent been posting lately, just started school, really busy. Currently in N.Y. right now, so I'm not in my regular account, General Austin.

Okay, here's my opinion:  

People who I invite to RWL are mostly scared off by the complexity of the game. Maybe we could make the 3rd server less complex, and put in a few farmer hordes, and stick in a few oldbies that will be able to lead different clans (never in the same one) and recruit and help the newbies. This will make them feel wanted, because all he oldbies will be asking for clanmembers, and it will also provide a very good opportunity for Roleplaying.
Those are all my ideas on the subject of a new server.


 I somewhat agree with Aus. Can't we take the original, or at least DEX script and put it on a third server if at all possible? That would make a simple game that a lot more people would enjoy playing...I'd for sure play, then...


 w00t! Kilk agrees with me! :D

Oh yeh, I've just submitted RWL into the search engine at google, but they dunno when they will stick it in, if ever. I've tried Metacrawler, MSN Search, and Ask Jeeves, but they all charge you for submitting your link. Bah!

Currently looking for other redwall sites that we can advertise on...


 Why not just tell all the noobs to play qmt? It basically the same as the dex code and theres already 100+ player base. People from qmt graspe gameplay fairly quickly. If the game guide fully explained the attack system, I wouldn't be answering any questions.

Course an only noob server is a good idea, but my biggest concern is losing players do to the low player base and boredom.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


Quote from: Ausw00t! Kilk agrees with me! :D

Oh yeh, I've just submitted RWL into the search engine at google, but they dunno when they will stick it in, if ever. I've tried Metacrawler, MSN Search, and Ask Jeeves, but they all charge you for submitting your link. Bah!

Currently looking for other redwall sites that we can advertise on...

I think it has been in Google, dunno how long though. But who's going to type in "Redwall Warlords" that's the difficulty.


It's on the 3rd page for a search for "Redwall Game" and then it's just the rules page. That's not good.

EDIT: The main page shows up on the fourth page.

The Lady Shael

 *agrees with Kilk and Aus* I might even play then, newer features keep getting added to the game, and sometimes I'm not playing when they're introduced, and when I do start playing, I end up having no idea what I'm doing, and I'm usually too lazy to go figure out how it works, or I get a big headache thinking about it. New features are good for the vet players, because it makes it more challenging for them, but then you're only catering to a smaller group than before.

Some people even think the original game is too complicated, let alone DEX and BAXX and all that.

Advertising isn't really that much of a problem, I could start advertising for RWL again. To get to the forums here, I just type "redwall warlords forums" and it's the first page. Not like anyone else will do that, but I'm just too lazy to type in the URL.

*would like to see the original game server* Maybe with just a bit more species than the original four, though.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Haha, I'm way ahead of you, Shael. Four days ago, running an all-troop strategy, I sacked for the first time and also found out what a "flank" is.  

General Austin


Retto? Wolf Bite? Can we have some more admin-ish input on this? It would help if you would express some kind of approval or dissapproval so we could  have something to go with in our discussion.

Oh yes, if you look, there's nearly 70 active players!! That's a bonus of 30 from 2 months ago (conservative estimate)!!!

It'd be interesting to see how well we'd do with this newbie server up and running...*nudge nudge*  B)  
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 These are all good ideas... but I have one point to raise:

Most of us have already brought those of our friends who might be interested here. I've spent hours trying to get my cousin to play, but as soon as I go back home from the summer, he quits... and he never even wanted to try the forums. A lot of our word-of-mouth power is already used up.

I think that we also ought to be discussing how to reach people who maybe have never heard of us before. Maybe we could put a banner ad on (I'd pay for a day there, personally... always wanted to stick an ad on there for something!) or somewhere else... maybe join one of those site link databases, or popular-game-competitions. I think that would be the most effective at getting more people.


 We should join the massively online...blah blah there's a link on qm prom. but the qm is down so I can't see it.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19