The Noon Sandwich Who Drank

Started by Tea_of_Persia, August 02, 2004, 09:06:48 PM

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 *used to be a VIer way way back when it first started and still is*^.^
You can probably use Msn again if you want, Shael. And if he still drives you mad I'll tell him to stop. He usually listens to me.

'Night folks, just a fairy tail.
Once upon a time... in a large amount of boiling sheep innards...
there lived a thumb.  ::agrees::
It was a tall, dark, handsome, anorexic thumb, and one that you'd expect to spring up from the ground while you were walking home one day and nibble on your heel.

But this thumb  ::agrees:: had not seen its ant for quite some time now and also had not  nibbled on any heels. This was a slightly depressing thought for your normal tall, dark, handsome, and anorexic thumb and so they tried not to think about it much, especially ones trapped in boiling sheep innards.

Now this particular thumb lived in a stomach.
It was a squatish, roundish stomach, and one that you'd definately expect a thumb to be living in if you decided to take a peek inside.
There were a few pictures on the wall, of his ant, of feet, and of nibbling them with hot sauce, a few rugs on the floor and a grand piano on the back wall but mostly it was bare because the thumb being talked of was moving to a larger, better apartment.

"A high rise thigh" he was told. "Really great."
A friendly neighborhood nervous system was helping him move.
Summer was awfully hot... they all had to wear hats.

The thumb was just taking the last painting from his stomach wall when he heard a damsel in distress cry from out in the boiling sheep innards.
He snapped his head up and listened for a moment.
Yes, that was indeed a fair thumb maiden in some sort of bad bad naughty trouble.

The thumb sprouted wings and flew as fast as his flesh would carry him.
He arrived too late, the damsel was already singing songs in japanese.
He didn't know japanese.
The thumb never got to kiss the fair maiden ::disagrees::  and marry her.
Give Peace a Chance