
Started by Trident, February 08, 2003, 03:16:41 PM

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 Holby. WHen you ppost things like this, they are no better than spam. Sure they contain 2 sentences, but still if it has nothing to do with anything, It is spam!


 Neverheard of chocolate, there IS a cinnamon one though.  And orange!  I forgot abotu that one!  Orange and Cherry are good...no no, NO, HOLBY!  DON'T GET HIGH OFF OF THEM!  HE IS!   RUN AWAY!!!  FASTER!  DON'T LET HIM CATCH UUUUPP!  sorry, I'm not funny....

The Lady Shael

 Cheesy, this really isn't your place to criticize other people for what you did worse. Hardly anyone pays attention to your posts now anyways. Holby and Calria contribute a lot of things to the forum, like strategies, and tips, and things. And both of them have been been here three times as long as you have. I'm glad to see you've /finally/ learned something about spam though....
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


 Yes- accusing people of spamming draws attention to yourself. :rolleyes:
Thanks Shael, that was very kind of you to say that. :)

And Trident...
What about blackberry? Must have a look. I ate blackberries today, but they were sort of a bit hard. Not ripe enough, still red.
I will not deleted this


 *sigh* it only lasts so long, my friend.


 Too true.
When its 40 degrees (100 for all you Americans) and you go to the beach, the ideal time to leave is while you're still having fun and it's hot, instead of hanging around till its dark, and you wake up with a cold the next morning.

Err, best thing I could think of. Lets see, what else can we start on? Jelly beans, I reckon. I hate black jelly beans. A teacher I knew had a whole car of jelly beans! :o  And she only ate the black ones <_<
NOTE: The car was about the height of  a bowl of emoticons, and as long as a big block of Caraway cheese.

:rolleyes: (That was the worst effort I've made as yet- wait until tommorow).
I will not deleted this


 And wot wot and a wot wot now?


Quote from: TridentAnd wot wot and a wot wot now?
I'll ditto that, in reference to what I just dittoed.

Not that THAT made any sense.

How tall is a bowl of emoticons, roughly, in cheese-doodle widths?