Lowered City Costs

Started by Retto, June 17, 2004, 08:46:17 PM

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 Are the costs of building a city too high? Would it be more balanced to lower the costs?

right now it's 150000+5% rats, 150000+3% weasels, 90000+2% stoats, 1000+1% skiffs, 10000+1% peasants, 200,000,000 cash, and 35% food.

I think it might be better to lower the costs, but I'm not sure how much. It should be significantly more than regular buildings, because it's using the space better, and more than just cash.
The 'ittle otter,


 You might want to change the word "peasants" to workers... some people on here are easily confused. ^-^

Other than that, YES! Cheaper=good!

Wolf Snare

 I do not use them. However, I remember a while ago when I had a ton of food. I went to construct and glanced over the "build city" option. I wasn't surprised to see why most people do not use cities at all. It required nearly 4 billion food to create one of the bloody things. No way I'm paying that! :rolleyes:
So yeah, lower them considerably.
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