Set out.

Started by scarab, May 31, 2004, 08:41:47 PM

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 A soft chuckle escaped the lips of a fox as he took a sit on the shore by his first mate.  "What're you doin' jes sittin around 'ere, mate?" he said.  The first mate, a middle-aged searat clad in white linens, glanced up in surprise at the voice.  "Oh, Cap'n Renous, I didn't see ye there." the rat grinned sheepishly, "Shouldn't be sneakin' on me, eh?"

Renous sneered slightly, "You shouldn't be so careless, could'a been killed by bloody otters by now, y'lout!"  Setting a pawhand to the dirt, he pushed himself to his feet, his muscles showing from his naturally lean build.  A sly grin now spread across his lips as he set his pawhand onto the brass hilt of his cutlass, which was thrusted into the dark blue sash tied around his waist, a good contrast to his snow-white fur.

"Ready th'longboats, mate!  We're 'eaded out o'this bloody river shore an' back to th'Blue Hound!" Renous yelled. A sudden burst of activity around the shore started as his crew set about gathering their belongings and boarding the longboats floating in the river shallows.  A smug look spread across Renous' face as he glanced at his first mate, "C'mon you cur, our ship is jes a'ead, we've plunderin' t'do!"


 You should join VI, if you aren't a member there already. You'd RP well there, I think.


Quote from: calriaYou should join VI, if you aren't a member there already. You'd RP well there, I think.
Heh, the only problem there lies... I have no idea what VI is.


 Vulpine Imperium--
Retto runs that, too. Very fun RP site.  ^-^


 very good Rp, aye. Though cal is getting a bit tooo into it.. <_<

lol :lol:  J/k
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And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

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