Josh has brought new meaning to my life

Started by Peace Alliance, April 22, 2004, 09:36:13 PM

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Quote from: Peace AllianceTeufel, what makes you think i've never met josh?
Geez! *rolls eyes*

Why do people want to misinterperate what I'm saying in this thread?! I never said that you'd never met him, Peace. I knew that you went to school together already. I said, "Why would anyone let a person they met online impact their life like that?" Meaning, anyone who has only met a person online not IRL. I wasn't even speaking directly about Josh; I was referring to anyone who was just an online friend.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


QuoteThe only thing I think of when I here "I'm joshing," is that the person saying it must have grown up in the country.

I resent that statement.  I live in the country and I haven't heard anyone say that in my entire life.  Saying that is like saying all Texans are rednecks or all Canadians are hicks.  It just isn't true.

I voted no.  I don't recall ever hearing someone say, "joshin it".  I don't even think I have heard you say that before Peace.  Maybe you have and i'm just too use to it to notice.  To be honest, even if I have/did hear someone say it I probably wouldn't be thinking of Josh.  My mind would be off somewhere else thinking about something incredibly off topic and stupid.

Angst, after reading your posts I have become very disapointed.  You state that you 'hate' Josh because he uses 'foul language'.  Tell me, what exactly is 'foul language' these days?  Most words considered 'foul' have actual meanings that aren't meant to be harmfull in anyway.  Take 'bas**ard' for instance, it's meaning: A female dog.  I see nothing harmfull or derogitory in that meaning.  You can't honestly sit there and say that while you are out with your friends you do not sware casually, just about Everyone does wheather they like to realize it or not.

As for your statement of Josh making fun of your friends and family?  Like others have already stated, you Have to get him mad before he would do something like that.  In other words you must have really said/done something to 'peeve' him off.  So don't go around making him seem like such a bad person when your just the same.  Going around putting people down when they don't even have the ability to stick up for thier own self being and rights is downright the Lowest thing someone can possibly do, and guess what? That's what you are doing here.

By the way, if you think Josh was bad with language, ever tried talking with someone who's having heart problems due to stress?  I don't think you have, but if you want to 'try' here's my e-mail, just try me:  (*Slams a door in your face* That means i'm done talking to you on here - Just typing this has waisted what little intelligence I have left).

Seeing on how everyone else is saying if they like/dislike Josh and why I guess I will as well.  I can't say that I like Josh as a person, i've never met him, and I probably never will.  As well I only talked to him via in game message system.  I would have to say I am currently on 'neutral' grounds with him in that sence.  As for 'in game' I like him.  If it wasn't for him back in the first era I would think this game lame and boring.  Josh was one of the only people who attacked cleanly and repeatedly and gave me quite a hard time.

After reading many posts about people likeing/dislikeing Josh I have come down to one final conclusion.  I'm not saying I am right but this is just my opinion, those of you who hate Josh hate him because he is better at the game then you are.  That's not enough grounds to say you 'hate' someone.  Seriously, it's just a game!  There are those of you who would say you 'hate' Josh because he 'cheated' to win.  However was he truly 'cheating'?  It wasn't Josh who had bugs in the game so don't get all mad at him for finding and exploiting them to his advantage when many others have done the same thing and gotten away with it.
"Without love life has no meaning." - Joseph Nicholas

"Looks are just an added bonus." - Joseph Nicholas

"Meine Liebe, Mein Leben, Meine Welt." - Joseph Nicholas

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 Remember what Peace told you about posting and debates? :rolleyes:
B**tard is actually a term for those born out of wedlock... b*tch is a female dog.
-EDIT- BTW, this topic wasn't meant to be serious. The use of "joshing" was meant as a bit of fun, but as it was taken seriously, obviously it became serious... and very centred on Josh.
Teufel, re-read what Peace said about people online... He's so bloody right and you won't even admit it.
I won't even bother adding or repeating to it, because you're smart enough to get the picture.

Back. :) Angst- you do not tell people to bug off when you cause the argument and persist in the argument in the first place. Furthermore, you've contradicted yourself by supposedly now speaking honestly, which means you were feeding us bs all along. You've brought it upon yourself.
Josh can be offensive at times, but if you got to know him, he's not such a bad character, he's a thoughtful human being, and deserves a fair go- everyone does. And we'd do the same for you.
You = Valor, no?
I will not deleted this


 Ah yes, thanks for the correction there Holby.  How did I mistake the two?  *shakes head* ah well, doesn't matter any way.
"Without love life has no meaning." - Joseph Nicholas

"Looks are just an added bonus." - Joseph Nicholas

"Meine Liebe, Mein Leben, Meine Welt." - Joseph Nicholas

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The Lady Shael

 Amazing...this must be one of the most serious and argumentive topics ever in the Spa Room.

Behave properly, children. Calm down.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Quote from: The Lady ShaelBehave properly, children. Calm down.
I will not deleted this

Peace Alliance

QuoteYou state that you 'hate' Josh because he uses 'foul language'. Tell me, what exactly is 'foul language' these days? Most words considered 'foul' have actual meanings that aren't meant to be harmfull in anyway. Take 'bas**ard' for instance, it's meaning: A female dog. I see nothing harmfull or derogitory in that meaning
As much as thats true, I try not to swear because i know that it might offend some people. Sometimes its not the meaning of the word but the word itself that has been passed down through history and is now a harmfull word. Although by definition it may be perfectly harmless.

I didn't mean for this topic to get all serious  :blink:  But sometimes peacy have to put his foot down.


QuoteI resent that statement. I live in the country and I haven't heard anyone say that in my entire life. Saying that is like saying all Texans are rednecks or all Canadians are hicks. It just isn't true.

Pardon me, I didn't mean it as a stereotypical insult. I've just read a lot of fiction books set in the country (not meaning sparsely populated places, but rather places someone might call "hickville") and the characters have said "joshin." That's why it would make me think of the country.

I'm not a person to generalize about anyone. You'd know that if you knew me. I never even came close to saying anything "all people who live in the country talk like that." Of course I know that isn't true, since I've lived in the country and in the city. I'm now bowing out of this thread since people keep putting words in my mouth.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


Quote from: Peace AllianceAs much as thats true, I try not to swear because i know that it might offend some people. Sometimes its not the meaning of the word but the word itself that has been passed down through history and is now a harmfull word. Although by definition it may be perfectly harmless.

I didn't mean for this topic to get all serious  :blink:  But sometimes peacy have to put his foot down.
The word that was quoted doesn't mean that, anyway. It means to have been born to parents who were not married at the point of your conception.


 This is a strange topic to argue about in the spa room could we just let it drop please. :D  
At the 1994 annual awards dinner given for Forensic Science, AAFS, President Dr. Don Harper Mills astounded his audience with the

Peace Alliance

Quote from: calria
Quote from: Peace AllianceAs much as thats true, I try not to swear because i know that it might offend some people. Sometimes its not the meaning of the word but the word itself that has been passed down through history and is now a harmfull word. Although by definition it may be perfectly harmless.

I didn't mean for this topic to get all serious  :blink:  But sometimes peacy have to put his foot down.
The word that was quoted doesn't mean that, anyway. It means to have been born to parents who were not married at the point of your conception.
err... i think you quoted me wrong, i don't see where i said anytthing yo do with unmarried parents....


 Nevermind. Holby had addressed it earlier and I didn't notice.


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