What type of computer?

Started by Sonoras, April 21, 2004, 06:05:54 PM

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caedo caelestis

 Operating Systems i've ran on this machine (P3-600EB) either as a workstation or for testing.

Dos 6.22
Windows 3.1
Windows 3.11 For Workgroups
Windows 95
Windows 95B OSR
Windows 95C USB
Windows 98
Windows 98SE
Windows ME
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows XP Professional
Windows 2003 Enterprise

Byzantine OS
FreeBSD 4.9
Mandrake 9.2
OpenBSD 3.4

For the oldest machines I would personally run Win98SE, for anything that can run XP, use it. You'll thank yourself in the long run. 2000 is alright for a workstation but rememeber you can tweak XP to run just as smooth as 2000. I'd avoid 2003 unless you really needed it, it's true that it doesn't include a lot of garbage that XP comes with, but it comes with loads of just as useless stuff to the average person.

If your feeling special for some reason you can try a run at one of the *nixs. All of them support some sort of gui if you really needed it and Byzantine is a cd bootable OS. Some people prefer them since they are free and opensource and just as good as anything microsoft can provide. First timers would probably stick to Mandrake or Redhat, others if they feel the need can experiment with the BSDs.


Quote from: Peace Alliance

Anywho, Sonoras, this poll is a little messed. I think you were trying to ask which type of OS people use, in which the choices should have been something like Windows, Linux(state type), MacOS...

Type of computer would be like Dell, Compaq, HP, Sony, Alianware, Homemade...
Well, people will know what I mean, must I be that specific?