I have declared WAR on AMD

Started by Ereptor, February 02, 2003, 05:58:34 PM

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 Holby i admire your posts.  You think before you post.  alacazar i don't know who you are or what kind of BS you are trying to put into this situation.  But i am sorry not only are you full of holes but you make no sense.  Stick to AMD thats all i can say.

About Negotiations.  An offeror offers an agreement to the offeree.  If an agreement is not accepted and negotiations are still in progress then no agreement has been made.  This although was not the case.  I left my clan under the attacks from above and from below (AMD).  Then as soon as i left.  AMD attacked with a vegence not known unto me.  I took this as a break in whatever negotiations we had.  And then i threw them out the window.  Don't begin to tell me i suckered some puny clan into negotiating and then backstabbed and killed them.  Even if someone did that, i don't see any unfair advantage to that situation.  
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*



just stating the what it looked from the eyes of the partially informed.   I know its less that half the story, but I wanted to see what it would dredge up.   I guess thats why im a lowsy diplomat.  

Did violent Sheep and elves of lovations or whatever that name is attack union again  :unsure:   those 2 have been the leading cause of every war AMD ever got into  :angry:   If Vandora starts a war it is a notable exeption to a general rule.  

I  know about half whats going in in AMD at any time, but because I think im almost the only poster in AMD it falls to me to make some sort of generaly unsucsessful attempt at defending the clan  :blink:

Eather way because I am not about to be lead into a state of constant war, and since it looks like eather elves or sheep is about to take command.  I left my clan.  May it die in a blaze of glory (and in all honesty may you continue to be sucsessful, till they learn the concequenses of their warrior ways <_< )


QuoteEveryone is a threat in this game. However, some more than others.
You should note, that Vandora has been pushed down to the 70's. They haven't always been there. Top 20's I believe. Vandora broke my troops, too.
If someone can do something once, they can do it again. Reason enough for Ereptor to want to do something about it.
QuoteTVB? You mean TBV? If someone attacks a member of your clan, I think that you're entitled to do something about it. Besides, attacking's the point of the game.

I have been droped 20 places in rank and had my army destroyed 3 times this game.  All started by the same warlord.  The first time I had gone out of my way to gain land fast.  It wasnt unheard of for me to attack somone 6 times in a row.  When I was dunked 20 ranks, I fell an aditional 100 places, and hit every rung of the ladder on the way down.  
I changed my tacticks.  I now only attack 2 times at once, and I never attack more than once in however long it takes for a history to clear.  I got weakened 2 other times.  Neather time did more than 2 people attack, and both times it was by people I had attacked less than 12 hours before I took the plunge.   Yes this game is about combat,  But its also about surviving.  Something that will not happen if you make enemys of everyone below you.    Thats why I see people as potential alies instead of threats.  If I treat others civily, or at least attempt to. I do better when the time comes that they are stronger than I.  

As far as the if somone attacks your clan goes.  I will do something if a clan member askes for help, or is attacked 6 times in a row.  Ereptor was justified at that moment because I acidently made war with an entire land fat clan.  OOPS :unsure: But to retaliate in somones behalf for a 2 strike hit, was forbidden under my own rules....

QuoteNotice the word "again." How do you know WOT found themselves in trouble? 1 now means 8, eh? You're referring to all WOT, but meaning (or should be) Ereptor.
And Ereptor isn't helpless, or without friends. I'd help him if I was asked, as others would, too.

My comment was ment in post tense.  Not as somthing that is happening, but as something that should be guarded against.   When I said again I was refering to TBV and UNION.  Both of which seem to have been eather abandoned or disbanded under heavy fire from multiple clans

Heck if Ereptor asked I would probedly help.  Despite what it sounds like I bear him no malice.  I was the primary voice pushing vandora to get an aliance between union and AMD going.  I still beleave that It could ha ve been a powerful aliance  :unsure:  Dang Sheep  :angry:

Ereptor has treated me fairly much of the time.  I also note than when I asked to be taken off his farming list, He did.  So ther is many good things to be said about Ereptor.
