My secret me

Started by Peace Alliance, January 28, 2004, 09:42:38 PM

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Peace Alliance

 Wolf... i thought you weren't on turbo? and did i ever use mice of might on reg?

anywho, yeah when thinking of how to be liked, i thought "being against Peace Alliance is the easiest way" lol.



Up until very recently I only had one account. Now I have Burninata which was a joke and I posted with like 4 times and said it was me.

Hey, Ad has a bigger sig. Mine only uses up like 46,000 characters, so hah!

wolf bite

 *wears out mouse with Menatus' sig*

I was on Turbo, in protection for 30 days.  But then after Peace and the band of thugs killed my account on reg, Mice was emperor on turbo.  Had I "known" that was Peace, I may have taken a shot at slaying Mice.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Gen. Volkov

 So noble..... *Rolls eyes* Every Admin does that Wolf... at least the ones who have playing accounts. Now me. it was a surprise.. you know why? Mice of Might said that I was here less time than another player.. and I would have thought Peace would know how long I had been here.. well OK.. maybe I rejoined here after this dude.. but I was here first era...
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


 Haha, I'm very surprised Peace!  Mice did have a lot of skill, and I wondered how he did so well, but I didn't even think that it could be someone else.  You're Mice of Might personallity was completely different that what you normally act like.  Now that I know, everything 'peace's (pieces :lol: ) together.  I won't say everything here... because that would not be nice ^_^  You're a sneaky one Peace... hehe.  I was actually allies with you for part of last round actually... you still have some learning to do though.

Peace Alliance

 lol, what i loved about you nohc, was how you were talking to me thinking i was mice of might about all your stratagys. and being a newb you were tellin me all about your stratagy and stuff. But i know that had i been talking to you as Peace Alliance, i wouldn't have gotten to hear that stuff 'cause who would want to teach someone like me about stratagy when i clearly already knew it all.

Although i have to admin nohc i did have some learning on turbo, if i were playing now my stratagy would be a little different. plus i would be a marten... and i shouldn't have waited till the second lsat day to buy out :( i still had 160 billion left at the end i probably could have been 3rd had i bought out.

Ashyra Nightwing


I'd never have guessed.. Well, I might, if I really concentrated on it..