Re-balencing the game

Started by Peace Alliance, January 26, 2004, 12:36:39 AM

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 You're right... I noticed that the land has gone down.  That's what I'm going Peace XD  Going to have no clan and do as well as I can ^_^  Should be fun.


 im not sure if you want my opinion or not
but after playing turbo this set
i noticed a few things

A) not one single empire could net a significant amount ahead of anyone else
this was down to the fact that the Black Market (merceneries) was fairly lame,
i noticed that if i had 40k acres of land, i gained about 5 million rats in my merceneries (this is an example - not exact figures)
but as peace alliance said, attacking an empire was too easy, so i lost most of the land
hence when i got my land taken from me, my black market went low (about 2,5 million rats)
this means that nobody can grow out of reach of anyone, seeing as nobody can keep the land
the networth of all empires will stay around the same level.  i think the amount of troops the merceneries can hold should be based on networth not land, this would enable some empires that work to uphold their troop amoutns to actually get ahead of everyone else - this needs to change if its going ot be a challenge to win ;)

B) Networth should be based more on troops and not land or grain or money - that is a flaw

C) guard towers - too powerful - and the fact they are used ot defend against leaders (or so i heard) is ridiculous - guard towers defend against troops, it shouldn't be leaders - GRRRR and they should also only defned against standard and surprise attacks.

D) Also the fact that MARTEN, a race which has a -10% magic bonus, ahs the most effective spell (marten gold mine) is just crazy, give it to wokf, they area magical race (uise magic) Martens ahve -10% Leader bonu, wat is with that?  i personally don't understand that at all - give it to the WOLF race - would make more sense

E) the fact that land is down - lol - this is a land sharing game, without some kind of device where you can create your own land instead of attacking, this will always be the case - even allied or not, wich is why you might not be able to get land,  however if you could somehow create your own land, you wouldn't have this problem, and plus everyone would be creating land, and there would be more land in general.  However you can't make it so that someone can rule the whole game by creating their own land, you have to make it so that its an option to startup with, so you can either attakc or create your own land.  But oyu have to change it so that when you reach a certain land amount, you can't create anymore land or the amount of land you can create reaches a limit

f) Reselling as a strat here is entirely useless. (reselling - buying troops from the merceneries but selling them on the public market at a price cheaper than anyone elses merveneries - but so that you still make a profit, then you buy from mercs again and sell on teh public market again fora profit)  this strat is useless ehere because you can't sell enough troops on the public market to make up for the amount you lose on the merceneries and you also can't sell 100% on the merceneries i propse you can sell 50% on the public market and then the rest on the black market (merceneries) - this would introducve a whole new strat to the game, the RESELLER

i apologise for the length of the post, and the spelling
but i have had a lot to  drink today (and i don't mean water)
and i am too lazy to check my spelling and its 2.30 am :P
so i am not going to check my spelling
im going to bed!
have fun - Dilf ;) catch you later :)


 Oh yeah, that coffee does some WEIRD stuff to ya. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.
I will not deleted this


 A) THe networth value is fine, but turbo should be a points system where you gain points for attacks and lose them when broken. QMT and Vahall have used this sytem, that way you have to attack to win. I also think there no hits limit.
C) You just described weasels to a tea.
D) That good it would make marten op is it wasn't -10%
E) Land is problem in alot of games, 2 ways to stop this 1. get rid of the drop land button 2. increase the explore rate.
F) The selling rates are fine, take a look at QMT its the exact same and I have sussefully resold for the last 3 sets, the thing that stop the reseller is the fact that there aren't any magers or true indies. Indies sell on the public and magers buy off the public. Hard anyone uses a direct strategy. They gold mine and buy troops or mass food.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

caedo caelestis

Quote from: RazorClawI'm in NIF. I had about 50,000 land. Then I got hit and I was down to 8,000 land. And yet, there's nobody to take land from! I see people who are two ranks higher than me with 60,000 land that I know I'm stronger than that I CANNOT ATTACK because they're in an allied clan! Right now, my entire net is based on troops. I have no land. And I only have $816 cash. Since I'm allied to Loren, I can't git any land. I'm just hangin' around the forums waiting for the reset...
Plenty of land in the top 10.


 Not as much as there used to be or should be. Besides, you've never heard of the word "Ally"
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 Leave Loren, gaining 40k land in a run from Loren members is quite fun espicially when some of them can't break you of course in the end you lose it before you have full turns again.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


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