
Started by Retto, January 28, 2004, 02:50:55 PM

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 Obviously you are Farimor. I am impressed, you played a great game.
However, your comment is rather far from the truth, unless you meant you didn't have your defenses raised. And you should have, I stole on three separate occasions, each taking a good deal of money. If not after the first one, after the second.
Each occasion I only got a few steals in (due to your always amazing ratio), and one of them was planned most carefully by myself and an anonymous other, assisted by hired help. Much tricksy involved.
I it musta been extremely irritating to have your money stolen, but it was the closest thing I could get to a timesaver.
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The Weasel Liberation Mov

 I just built up a monster stockpile of money and got a whole wack of mercs at the last minute. Good enough for 9th...  :shrugs:  
Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th

Peace Alliance

Quote from: HolbyObviously you are Farimor. I am impressed, you played a great game.
However, your comment is rather far from the truth, unless you meant you didn't have your defenses raised. And you should have, I stole on three separate occasions, each taking a good deal of money. If not after the first one, after the second.
Each occasion I only got a few steals in (due to your always amazing ratio), and one of them was planned most carefully by myself and an anonymous other, assisted by hired help. Much tricksy involved.
I it musta been extremely irritating to have your money stolen, but it was the closest thing I could get to a timesaver.
Just so you are sure Naltaca, "anonymous other" = Nohc... Of course you probably figured that out by now 'cause i've no doubt tought you how to be paraniod and smart? Nohc was no doubt fearing your jumping above his net... even though we all know now that you couldn't have, combining both your and holbys networth doesn't even = his... but how was he to know that eh?

anyways, Nohc, you maybe be leavin and such, but thats just 'cause you know naltaca's gonna own this round!


 Good to know you have such strong faith in your pupils Peace, very good.
May I note that if Nohc was so worried about others toppling his huge Net, why would he have given me cash? Why also would he have supported me in my attempt for the top?
And what did he have to fear, either? He knew how much cash Farimor had most of the time. Because of that, he knew he had the round. We're a paranod pair, but not everyone is like us, Peace. ;)  
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 Are you saying that nohc leaked my stats?


 Heck, no! Only your cash, lol.
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 Meh!  It wasn't a leak!  You asked me and I said Farimor!  And it was only his cash!  Argh...  :(  I said he had a lot, I didn't think that Holby would actually steal it... until after I told him XD  Not that I oppesed it to be truthful... I mean, the more you two fight, the higher I get above both of ye....


 lol, shut up, you're disproving my point.
*Whispers* Lock him up. He was helping me. He was in on it alllll along.
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 Disproving what point?  That I helped you?  I did... so.... huh?  *doesn't get it*


 See, this is what I get for being nice. Someone sent me a pm asking me for cash and I was nice to him and sent him twice as much as he asked for and then I turn around and get a nice kick in the @$$.


 But not from the same guy. It sounds as if you're implying you gave me cash and then I hit you.
If you want to be praised for helping someone out, you didn't help them for the right reason.
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Peace Alliance

 So holby your saying that since Nohc helped you that he wasn't worried about nalt passing him? or... maybe helping you would ... anti-help nalt? heh, i see through you *holbys alpha level is only 74.6 ;) *


 lol. If he had more cash than Nalt by a good deal, and more land than Nalt by a good deal, and because he has considerable more skill than Nalt, is there a reason to be worried?
And if he was as paranoid as us (*cackle*) why would he finance my expedition in the first place not being 100% sure of what I would do with it?Originally all he knew was that I would use it to try and take the top.
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 More skill than me? Please, that's poppycock, he only has more turns that he has spent and the fact that he is allied with everyone in the game that is of decent strength. And so you are saying, hobly, that you had to have nohc leak my money to you that he was intrusted NOT to leak to anyone to get where you're at? Nope, no one can top that. What are you going to do next? Go kick a puppy or is big strong hobly to tough to even do that much. Please, and everyone thinks that slayer's tactics are low.


 It took me a while to work out what the elk you were on about. From what I decipher...
I was not using this (or rather, last) Turbo round as an example, but a better player in general. I believe he's more rounded than me and better at it- And I've tried most things.
But if we were to take it as an example, the bottom line is he won the round. I thought you joined from the beginning? If not, you did a good job to get where you were. But that doesn't make you a better player. Making allies with all the strong people in the game may be a factor, but if it is, he is the better player. Diplomacy is part of the game. Read the login page thingy.

As for the money stealing thingy, I'm still having probs getting your point.
If you mean that I needed that info to steal your cash, it was true. I wouldn't risk it if I didn't know anything. (First time, I employed someone to suicide you) Because Nohc told me you had cash, there was no problem.
If I didn't have that information, I wouldn't have stolen that couple hundred bil. Even if I hadn't bought anything from it, that Net was enough to just get above you.
To summarise the above paragraph, I needed Nohc's info to finish 2nd.

Addressing the insult part, I don't understand where they are coming from. You'll have to explain them to me
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