The Anti-Brain Fart

Started by Ereptor, January 25, 2004, 11:27:51 PM

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 Ok I had an idea.....Yes, Again.   heh.  It has been in the polls and has been showing great votes for yes.  15-2  last time i checked.  Of course we need not only the majority, but the right votes also.  Uhhuumm.  

Anywho I had an idea to add to it.  I think you will like it.  So here it goes.

Ok the clan bank.  Basically a bank for the clan to use.  You may store anything in there.  In my opinion there should be no limit.  That could be a problem, but i have a solution.  Also a diplomat or second in charge gets messages each time someone donates or takes from this bank.  Also he can lock it from people not in high positions.  Also there was talk about how a clan could use this to their advantage and not for just personal advantage.  Ok here is where my new idea about the bank comes in.  If you can donate everything you have what is the catch to it?

Ok you know how retto fixed the bug that allows your armies to come and aid each other.   Right, so the bank now is used for the clan army.  This army comes to the aid of you if you are attacked.  So none of your forces are leaving and protecting your clan members.  It is a clan army that does this.  This gives the clan more of a unified goal.  Build a big clan army.  Note that this is still used as a bank.  You may withdraw and add to it at any time.  So if you decide to put it all in the bank while you are raising money and your buddy gets attacked and you lose troops that is your loss.  The percentages i think should be changed in this area that is why i am posting it.  Beatles, Holby, Nick, Peace, and any of you who wish to make this idea a reality please input for it would be an honor to have my idea thrown around by you intelligent folk.  Tah

The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 I definitly like this idea. Although it may help the massing that Peace is against, it also encourages clan use. So, Peace, you may also like this idea because with more clans, there should be more combat because that is generally one of the puposes of a clan but it still doesn't fix the problem that Peace adressed entirely but I think this is a quick fix for now, and I like it.

Peace Alliance

 All motives aside, I think its a great idea. Mainly because I believe there isn't enough of a good advantage to having clans. They're really good for being able to set people to war and go at them, but the big disadvantages is the fact that you can be the victum. With the clan bank, however, a clan could get a really strong defense and then there would be a defensive advantage to joining the clan.

But i need to make sure i'm getting this straight. Would the bank work so that i would send (probably not by using skiffs i'm just using the word send normally) my rats to the clan bank and then they would no longer be part of my army but the clans? or does it work like it does now where the bank is a colaboration of a certain percentage of the entire clans military. Because personally i like the first one better because it means you can build a really big clan defense system which could give your clan a big advantage over others.

Also, when the warlord leaves the clan, the obviously loose all the military they already sent to the bank, correct?

Furthermore, i think there has to be a catch because otherwise its too good an idea. I was thinking the catch could be a tax... but when i put more thought into it, i remembered how much Retto is trying to stop clan Take-overs. So i believe that the catch to this huge ability to have a clan army, should be it could be cheaper to send stuff to the bank if you are a weaker low-ranking clan as opposed to a high ranking take-over clan.

wolf bite

 I still think the idea is great, but you guys really have to play it all the way through.  I can think of so many ways to abuse this bank.  Unless there are safeties then no one will use it or one strat using it can take over the game.  So maybe you take your idea and agree that you can?t have it all and make it useable.  

As a few examples:

No player will put their armies, food and money in the hands of some diplomat that can take it to use it to attack them with their own armies.  So the reason it is created will never be used.

Here is a fast strat off the top of my head.  I open a clan and I am the only member.  Become a rat masser, take all the land I can building tons of rats, then put all the rats, food and money in the bank.  Let them take my land, I don?t care because leader attacks can?t hurt me and I have NO army to lose.  Then with full turns, I become a weasel masser and do the same thing. Then stoats, then skiffs.  Now I have had no losses, but was able to store a ton of each army that is sitting in my bank.  Now I take out my rats and take all the land in sight building Huts, then when at the top, pull out all my armies from the bank and have an impenetrable fortress. When I have full turns, I put 3 types of armies in the bank so I don?t have to feed them, and wipe the top ten of all their land, then pull back all my armies.  I have won, game over.

You see, without safeguards, the abuse will make it of no fun.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Peace Alliance

 Ahh, see thats what i was trying to say. That we can't have it so you take the army from the clan bank, you make it so the armys are stored there for good, and to tap into it, you have to select an option that allowed you to use caln military.

But then the same thing remains that people could do a similar stratagy where they do that with money or food... polus they could just put a TON of rats on their personal clan bank, then leave the clan, join later, attack, leave, join attack... so i think when they are using the clan military they might have a tax? i donno.


 This is a great idea, but as has been said, has to be thought out properly to stop any abusing of the system.
A couple things that have come to mind to try and safeguard:
. Only get use of clan bank if own deposit has been made, relevant to percentage of troops at time of depositing .
. Only limited percentage of deposit can be withdrawn.  No-one, inc. Treasurer allowed COMPLETE access to bank all at once. Eg, 50% withdrawal every 4 hours for Treasurer, 30% for other clan members  .
. Treasurer similiar to Protectorate, and has complete power of bank. Because the Treasurer has no troops, gets an added 30% of bank. Can withdraw troops from bank, and can use them to attack. Though normally there is a set limit of troops, does not affect for banked troops. However, withdrawing must trigger something that only allows to keep the troops for a limited time, say 6 hours. Must be returned by then, if not, disappear forever and percentage of Treasurer's resources killed .

Percentages and times adjustable, just using what I feel is a good example. I've thought these over a bit, but any adjusting and correcting very welcome. There's more that can be done and would work better, but anything else has slipped me at the moment.

-EDIT- Fixed a couple things that didn't make sense. Have a funny feeling I accidentally deleted half my post, but maybe that's just me being paranoid. :)
I will not deleted this


 I think clans need to be taken into consideration.  Starting a clan by yourself doesn't make sense to me.  You can take advantage of it to easily as stated by wolf.  How else would you do it you may ask?

Well leaving a clan requires you stay in it at least 48 hours.  Am i right, if not correct me.  

This is what i propose.  If you are a single person and you decide to make a clan.  So be it.  But you have 48 hours to get at least 2 more players.  Meaning you must have an assistant and at least one diplomat.  If not your clan is distroyed after 48 hours, also you may not set clans to war if this is not fullfilled.  I mean seriously people.  Who pulls a "clan" of people out of no where and by himself.  It doesn't make sense.  A clan is a group of people and if you don't have this, than you shouldn't get the privliages of one.  

As for the bank.  I have been thinking about that also.  Ok you may donate any amount at any time.  As for taking out, you may only take out a certain amount ( unless the treasurer gives it to you, which he has the power to distribute at any time).  This could be done in many ways.  For instance, the amount you can take out could be equal to your networth somehow, or only a certian percentage of what you put in so the more you add the more you would be able to take out, or something else.  This still needs to be hashed around.

As for wolf's descripition of storing armies.  I am thinking that the armies that defend the clan not be percentages.  But the entire whole of it.  Everything that is in the bank comes to the aid of someone being hurt.  Because this is not just part of your empire aiding someone.  It is an entire army built for this purpose.  This also means you can lose a huge clan army very fast.  You may store this, but if there are other clans fighting yours the turnover for the clan army would be high.  Donating to it would almost have to be a daily activity.

EDIT - As for holby's idea of the treasurer having no armies.  I think that is a bit to much.  I don't want to take away from the game.  Rather add to it.  Taking to much away is harder to do and less attractive to players.
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 Treasurer and the clan leader get together, the tresurer send all clan bank deposits to the the leader. They then leave the clan or the treasurer resign and split the booty. Then they go and kill everyone with there huge store... There has to be so many safegaurds, kinda like playing chess I guess. I like the idea, but taking an idea such as this one to reality will be hard. Someone from QM Prom wanted this impicated too, Morv and Q haven't said anything. The guy said that it work well in another prom game I'll try to get a link to the site.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 I think that the clan leader could manage how much each member of the clan could take out individually, so that new members couldn't steal everything.  Not adding more safegaurds would make players care more about how trustworthy everyone in the clan was, which I think is important.

EDIT:  The amount that can be put in the clan back should be limited, to somewhere around the average amount of rats, food, cash, etc. that the members of the clan has, so that you can't do what wolf said.  There also shouldn't be a clan bank for a clan unless there are 3 people in a clan, and if the number gets below 3, then everything in the clan back would be sent to the clan leader.


 No i think if the clan loses members the clan bank dies if the clan dies.  I think a clan should be defeated if it only has 2 members.  Then the clan dies and the bank dies with it.
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*

Ashyra Nightwing

 I think that one person should still be allowed to have a clan on their own.. I do that. It enables me to attack properly..


 Then why not give you that option in the first place.  It doesn't make sense for you to make a "clan" just to attack.  That is stupid.  I mean where is the sense in that.  A clan is a group of warlords together.  I don't think anyone should get the privliage of clan things unless they are in a clan of 3 or more.  It is a dumb rule and those who do it are only taking advantage of the game.  Which i of course have done.
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*