Venom (#57)

Started by Retto, January 16, 2004, 01:34:00 PM

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 That's what the game's about, Retto.  Attacking.  If you made an online game like Patrizier II, that would be wonderful.  But this game's all about attacking - not even strategy.


Quote from: VipersByteDid anyone really think i would let him call a contract on my head and not defend myself?
Him and Fadilsha'sa'cri (#62), darn near killed me over his bounty of 7 billion.  With the odd attack from other people thrown in for good measure.

Am i mad?   well ok, i was pretty peeved at him and #62, for a bit, but then again, they did play by the rules and attack me while i was off line, of which i thank them  :)   But to go as far as they did. was out of bounds.
Feh... I didn't care about the bounty. I had no use for a 10 million rats. In fact, I still don't. Just fun to attack and be vicious. But only on turbo. I'm very placid on Reg. And I never online attack. Except if the person is goign for my kill.

Anyway, you got back pretty good, no? I mean poisoning 18-28 Billion money is pretty good, eh?

Well... I don't give a zark if you attack me. Because I can get back very easily. I'm already on my way to recovering my NW.

Ah'll be Bahck!



 Cannae yeh undirstahnd meh, Fahdilsha'sa'acri?  Yeh na knew whit a Northern accint be!

P.S.  'Calls for death' are stupid.


 Fadilsha'sa'cri (#62)

Did i do that?... no i don't think so..  But what did you expect, you & Roland almost kill me, and you expect my clan not to "play"   lol..

Anywho, is all part of game and is kewl...  as long as there is an understanding, that one should never kill, unless really provoked, and a few warning messages have been

And i agree Lenvar, "calls for Death's" are pretty stupid,  they bring alot of attention some people's way that would normally have a much longer game span..   :D

But is said and done now, and i hope we all can move on and up, and return to a more less blood thirsty way of life.. ...  ok at least for a while

Cheers   (<>..<>)


 Some of you people need to brighten up... excluding Retto :D

I, for one, say these so called 'calls for death' are perfectly fine.

VipersByte really did make a mistake, poisoning, murdering, and stealing from someone with the knowledge that he will want to do something very bad back to you.  Then of course... this gets your whole clan involed.  They waste their attacks hitting Retto, killing him, but to what good?  He's going to come back, and overall, it would be a lot better for the clan of KOWW if Venom hadn't attacked Retto so much.  That's what I think, straight and to the point.


 While i agree and really didn't want to hit Retto, i was even going to start giving him skiffs so people would stop hitting him, but sadly just as i started to give him skiffs the next day he declars war on Venom and that forces me to action, i had even sent him a note saying that while i dont support venom in his constant attacks against roland or anybody for that matter and i do expect them to be retalled against properly.  But that doesn't mean i expect you to try and kill them flat out.  As far as i've noticed Retto would have been a great guy to get to know and i'm disapointed that i was forced into helping kill him, but i will put my clan members before people i dont know everytime, yeah this can hurt my NW but thats fine atleast the clan shows a form of unity even when one of us has a death wish on his head, and as for the billions of dollars wasted in poison, yes that was me but that was just retall for the 60+ attacks on venom, i didn't really want to hurt you as i figured for the most part it was just because of the bounty and thats understandable.... but if it happens again i dont know what will happen, does Viper deserve to die?  I'm not the one to answer that question, but i will back him up and help to keep him alive as both a Friend, and a Clanmate.



 Retto I could take him out for you.  However I am too darn please with myself at the moment... 10 mil skiffs oh ya~~!!!  I could have went for the 20 mil rats but... meh.  Muahahahaha I loves my money -.-
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 As for how many times Roland was attacked in one day?  uhmn...too many to count...and that's just the one's I did!  :P