SAT scores poll

Started by calria, November 29, 2003, 11:03:38 PM

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Quote from: AdenThey're not THAT stupid :P
Either they used to be or I'm just way too trusting of those around me...
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*


Shadow Knight

 I took the SATs in 8th grade and got a 1080 :D  


 This place is sure making me feel dumb. I scored a 1380 as a Sophomore and foolishly never took the test again. On this board that doesn't seem too impressive, but I went to a very small school, (40 in our graduating class last year) that had only been in existence for four years before I took the test. Whenever I took the test I was just aiming on becoming the person that had the highest test score ever in my school's history. (highest score was a 1320) Once I saw I accomplished this I never tried to better myself.

However, the SAT doesn't really test my main strength. From my Sophomore year to my Senior year I was involved in Science UIL, and each year I made it to the Texas state competition. I placed as high as 5th place while there, and was again the first person in my school to make it to state in UIL.

I just wished I lived in a bigger town...


 SAT is really a hit-and-miss sort of thing... you never can tell how it's going to go. Take my 780 verbal score for example-- chances are if I took the test again, I would make a lower score than that. A lot of it is up to chance.

*gasps* Another Texan on the boards? *falls over* Nobody online is EVER from Texas!
I used to do Current Issues and Events and Ready Writing UIL... went to regionals with CI&E, and almost made it to state with Ready Writing. mMy CI&E team was the first time a team from my school ever went to regionals AND took all three individual medals. With Ready Writing, I was the first one to ever make it past district level. I had a friend who did Science UIL, but it always looked too difficult.


Quote from: calria*gasps* Another Texan on the boards? *falls over* Nobody online is EVER from Texas!
I am, Cal.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 You don't count because... erm... your avatar annoys me. Yeah. Right. Something like that...

Gen. Volkov

 Yeah.. that happen to me Cal. I took the SAT again to get a better math score, and I scored lower on verbal than the first time.. Luckily colleges take the two highest scores. On another note.. you scored that high and DIDN'T get scholarships??? I scored lower than you, and I got one for $8,000 per semester! I scored a 1380 by the way... 710 verbal, 690 math.... you  don't want to know the one I got in matht the first time.. those are my two highest. I don't really care though, neither of those are what you would call subjects I like.. they don't really cover all the subjects you end up taking.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Quote from: Gen. VolkovYeah.. that happen to me Cal. I took the SAT again to get a better math score, and I scored lower on verbal than the first time.. Luckily colleges take the two highest scores. On another note.. you scored that high and DIDN'T get scholarships??? I scored lower than you, and I got one for $8,000 per semester! I scored a 1380 by the way... 710 verbal, 690 math.... you  don't want to know the one I got in matht the first time.. those are my two highest. I don't really care though, neither of those are what you would call subjects I like.. they don't really cover all the subjects you end up taking.
That's why I prefer the ACTs... well at least from the practice ones I've taken. Well there is always the SAT II.. that covers other subjects does it not?
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This happened once before,
When I came to your door,
No reply.
I tried to telephone,
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That's a lie,
No reply, No reply.

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Quote from: Gen. VolkovOn another note.. you scored that high and DIDN'T get scholarships???
Most of the scholarships I could've gotten required me to file with FAFSA, which I can't do, because I'd be automatically denied because of some things that have to do with owning property that really I can't legally sell, and that only costs me tax money.
All the rest of them would only have paid for a little of my schooling, and I can't afford to pay the rest.
Which is why I have to get a job next semester, or drop out of college in the summer. :(