ROME has been hurt

Started by Voice, November 20, 2003, 02:49:37 PM

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 Why is it that the super-warlords always want to go and make some big anonymous clan, when we can all guess really who's who in it anyway, and then they dominate the scores for a while, and everyone gets mad because we'd at least like to know who you are as you kick our patooties, and then finally someone breaks them, and they disband because they'd rather not take their own medicine, and then there's a huge discussion that usually revolves around game ethics?
Why do we do this?
It's only going to happen all over again a few days/weeks from now, involving a few different people, but basically with the same thing.
The only thing that's really entertaining is seeing which theme they'll do next.


QuoteThe best ROME can do now is to hide in obscurity

Voice, please, before you post again check the scores list.  Nero and several other romans have gained in strenth, a few has dropped, yes, but as a whole the members of former Rome are doing alright.  As for reverting back to original names, I'm sure most of you wished to know who we all were, and thoes of you who had suspicians wished them confirmed...  maybe some feared Nero, but I hope that noone fears windhound..  if you fear windhound I fear your stupidity..  

voice, your arguments are turning hollow, you are trying to regain popular support my digging up as much crud as you can, yet, most of the crud has been thrown right back into your face.  Just drop your viel and reveil who Voice truely is, unless you have more cowardace as you are trying to prove Romans had.

Quote...disband because they'd rather not take their own medicine, and then there's a huge discussion that usually revolves around game ethics?

Nero took quite a few attacks, but held most of them off.. and is still doing so..  nero has no idea why rome disbanded..  Game ethics come into play, though, because noone likes a dominating clan except thoes in the dominating clan, thoes not in it say that the clan made the game unfair, thoes in it say that they just did what everyone else is trying to do..  A continuous cycle that will never be broken as long as the game functions as it does now..
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 All i can say is this entire topic is pathetic.  If you are a member or were a member of Rome i would simply ask you to stop posting in here, as it only leads to the ego of "voice".  His intentions are his and if he intends to voice his own opinions let him do it at someone elses expense.  

I created Rome.  I have heard that we were hacked.  I believe kilk that he was.  As for others i have not heard enough evidense yet.  Rome came and dominated.  But we were betrayed by a friend.  This is sad thing.  So lets just leave it at that.  All i hear is everyone making assumptions on what our objectives were for the game.  Let me tell you that these are thier assumptions and that unless backed by me are not and WERE not the objectives of Rome.  

I don't recall anyone saying they were going to quit redwall or that it wasn't fun anymore.  All i hear is people not wanting to see someone win or be an emperor.  The fact was that we had no emperor.  We held this position as a clan.  Everyone had a vote.  Before we were backstabbed there was no discontent.  An old enemy of mine planned with an old friend of mine to tear down everything we tried so hard to build.  We were not evil.  We were trying to play the game.  I cannot tell you how many times the number one player has been ridiculed for playing the game.

Even you wolf were not liked by most in the polls.  In fact i recall that Josh was picked as a better Emperor than you.  And i recall that Josh has less of a respectable reputation than you.  So before you people start voicing the "peoples" opinions, i suggest you think if those are your opinions or theirs.  In fact i don't see anywhere in the game rules that once someone holds the Emperor position they should be hissed at, spit on and called very bad names, not to mention evil.  Retto if you would kindly back me up on that rule, if there is or isn't one.  ;)  

If there is not than i suggest you people let the game be played and stop complaigning when someone is better than you.  This game is not made for hpr's.  If the creators wish to give the game a different twist that is their option.  But they have created the game how it is and i suggest you people learn how to play it that way.
The Dark Lord
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Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
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