Guard Towers

Started by The Weasel Liberation Mov, November 04, 2003, 02:03:20 PM

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The Weasel Liberation Mov

 Considering that ROME is becoming more powerful by the hour, I thought it might be a good idea to ask a question about guard towers.

How many guard towers would you consider "good"?

Answer in percentage or number please. (example: 30% or 10, 000)
Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th

wolf bite

 A Mod will move this to the Strategies forum.  

It really depends what strategy you are playing.  Different strategies require different amounts of towers, and then there is the factor of who you are fighting against, you may be expecting more attacks, thus increase your towers.


The average player with a good economy will have 20 to 30% towers.

A ?maser? will have none when he is using his turns and 70% when he puts his army to bed for the night.

A low ranked leader fighter will have none.  (because he wants to lose land for his ratio)

A high ranked leader fighter will have 40+%.

And then there is the strategy of all large armies that have no towers.  But that is not advisable with the new attack options.

I know people will look at this and say ?I would have 5% more if doing that strategy?, but this is just an average.

So, there is no answer beyond: have as many as you can afford without harming your huts or your economy.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

The Weasel Liberation Mov

 Very sorry Mods.   :(  
Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th


 No prob, WLM. Just remember when you have a question concerning strats, keep it in the strategies forum.

Wolf, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't be so arrogant as to say, "A mod will move this..." Call me nitpicky, but I'd rather be asked to do something than told.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart

wolf bite

 Hummm, I have found that posting in a topic that is not in the right forum I have been put down by the Mods.  It is the job of the mods to move topics.  And a true statment that a Mod "will" move it.  I did not say "Mod You must move this!"  I did not "tell" you do do anything.  Simply, in a nice way to Weasel, let him know that his topic will be moved. Where do you get to use the word "arrogant?"  Seems like an assumption and an insult.  Gee, I just read your post under flame, does your own rules not apply to you?

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Ashyra Nightwing

  I have never had towers, and I'm pretty good.. Skiffs rawk XD.


 Geez, Wolf. I'm sorry. The way you said it just seemed like you were telling a mod to move it. Hence, if you were, it would be pretty arrogant since you are just a normal member. Anyway, I'm sorry; I read into your sentence a meaning you weren't trying to convey. (And, yes, I'm actually following right now, what I wrote in the UltraDiscussion Forum.)

By the way, do guard towers really help any if you don't have a lot of them? It doesn't seem to help me in any way unless I have at least 45-55% towers.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart

The Weasel Liberation Mov

 Help says:

QuoteGuard Towers
Guard Towers are a strictly defensive units, worth 500 defense points each. Guard Towers are useless, however, if you have no rats. Guards also add a marginal benefit to your defense in leader attacks.

"Guard Towers are useless, however, if you have no rats." Maybe that is your problem?

That brings up another question, however. How many rats does it take to man each guard tower? Also, do towers count only in Standard, Surprise, and Enslave? Or are they also used in Naval, Guerilla, Bomabardment, and Frontal attacks?

Fun fact:

Each guard tower can match 250 Rats, 250 Weasels, 100 Stoats, or 83 (Rounded) Skiffs.

That means that 2000 towers can hold off 500,000 Rats. Probably less than half of, lets say, Scipio's Rats. It helps for a Stoat or Skiff masser, but not near enough.

That means that 2000 towers can hold off 500,000 Weasels. Seing as very few get weasels into those numbers, you should be pretty safe. An extra 100k weasels makes you a hard target for weasels.

That means that 2000 towers can hold off 200,000 Stoats. Not much against a normal player, let alone a stoat masser.

That means that 2000 towers can hold off only about 166,000 Skiffs. That might be enough against Scipio, but anyone who masses Skiffs would easily break through.

I don't know why I just posted that... :shrugs:
Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th

Ashyra Nightwing

 yes... Guard towers are useless against skiffs, unless you have a huge amount of them..


 Well than, that would mean that you would only need a ton of everything to break Scipio....hey- wait a second. that's me!
One of the 10 emperors of Rome


 At 100,000 land, I suspect the Romans will have about 50,000 towers. They mass stoats, but have a few of the other troops. 50,000 towers can be broken with 12,500,000 rats or weasels, or 4,150,000 skiffs. 5,000,000 stoats plus their stoats, maybe 10,000,000. The Romans in actuality have about 30K land. Multiply the previous estimates by .3 . Well, I think that Ashyra might be able to take on a Roman with her skiffs. Except, then, we'd need some way to prevent a retal.
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



 Only 4 million rats? I know that you're joking, Riverpaw. Also, I'm in serious doubt that Ashyra could break us in skiffs, as her networth would reflect her # of skiffs, and it's not high enough to support like 2 or 2.5 mil skiffs.  
One of the 10 emperors of Rome

Ashyra Nightwing

 *grins* I once had 5 mil skiffs with 12 mil NW... It was after a lot of attacking though..