Reply to Cindarin

Started by Kilkenne, November 12, 2003, 03:52:23 PM

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 Orcrist already fielded the rest of his stupidity for me, so I'm returning the favor:

Quote1. Must I read your incoherent post Ocrist? You see, unlike you, it is very easy for me to just look at the name of the person who posted and to myself, ?Nope don?t need to read that pile of bull. For another point, if it weren?t for the ?flaming? / ?swearing? rules. I would be burning you so badly that you would be crying to your parents to TRY and make me stop. Also it wouldn?t take me much to have over seventeen people coming in here and making you cry every time you open a topic.

2. Ocrist, has it ever donned on you or anyone else here for that matter, that maybe they have come to realize that there is mroe to life then being on here 24/7? Or that they have outgrown this game and come to a higher level of maturity? Of course YOU haven't because you still have the intelligance of a twelve year old.

3. Another note: I am glad you don?t care about people like me. Reason being, I don?t care about anyone I can?t meet in flesh and blood (a few exceptions), and I certainly don?t care about people who like to banter on and on about making rules that they could punish people for breaking when they break the rules we currently have. So with that said and all due respect. Shut your mouth, take your hand off of that thing you call manhood, and get a REAL EDUCATION!

4. I apologies to the admins for my rude behavior, but currently I am enraged beyond comprehension and if anyone has a problem with that they can drive on over to Ottawa and settle it once and for all. If anyone wants to know why I am angry; you can shove it where the sun don?t shine.

1. If you want to flame Orcrist, go for it. "Take it like a man" and "Deal with it like a man", fight back. Stop pretending and DO it. And yes, you should read his post.

2. Orcrist has more of a life than a lot of people who participate in this game. I know for a fact that he goes out a lot with friends and does a lot of things outside this game, as do I. I am 17 years old and was accepted at the US Military Acadamy last weekend. So am I doing things outside of this game? I think so.

3. He is getting a real education. He is in public schooling whereever it is that he lives. As am I. As is everyone else. The comments about not meeting people are unnecessary, as the majority of us have never, and will never meet.

4. Good. Be angry, everyone else is, but you're just making it worse, stepping into problems that are too big for you that you know nothing about [edited]. I don't even know who you are or where you came from and you're jumping in my topic and flaming it like you own the place. Deal with it on your own, be angry on your own. Let other people form their own opinions and tell me on AIM or something rather than just putting it where everyone can read it and laugh at your hopeless ignorance.


Read the stuff about the banner again

[No name calling.][Just getting something Ad missed... along the same lines.]

Dead Eye

 Kilk, I agree with what your saying. [edited]. But what can you do by flaming. Get banned, gagged? Settle this by pming or messaging, or by not such harsh words. I agree with you, and would have said the same exact words if I knew that I would not be told off for flaming. Maybe the admins will be nice and ignore this. But all your doing is making him happy to see you so angry. [edited] you are wasting your energy doing this.

[NO calling people names. It's unneccesary and against the rules.]
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 You know Kilk, I could keep going on and on and on some more.  However unlike you I don't have that little urge that tells me to continue to do such things, such as telling ppl to post thier opinions then telling them not to, and playing with dolls, which I am sure you you probably do.

As for where I came from.  There is a chance that I have been here longer then you.  However, I don't always stick around to see what everyone else thinks about other people beating them down at the game and complaining about it.  No.  I have better, more interestings things to do.  Witht hat said.  Do something you could never possibly do.  Drop it.
"Without love life has no meaning." - Joseph Nicholas

"Looks are just an added bonus." - Joseph Nicholas

"Meine Liebe, Mein Leben, Meine Welt." - Joseph Nicholas

user posted image

Well Actually I Do Have a

Must say your post was equally, if not more so, incoherent than any of Orcrist's. As much as I love the outline format (It really is something special there) you failed to make any valid points.

"Must I read your incoherent post Ocrist? You see, unlike you, it is very easy for me to just look at the name of the person who posted and to myself, ?Nope don?t need to read that pile of bull. For another point, if it weren?t for the ?flaming? / ?swearing? rules. I would be burning you so badly that you would be crying to your parents to TRY and make me stop. Also it wouldn?t take me much to have over seventeen people coming in here and making you cry every time you open a topic."

That was... amusing.

You would be burning him so badly that he would be crying to his parents?

Now that was actually funny.

Somehow I doubt anyone would care if you got seventeen of your friends to come in here and say anything. Better yet, feel free to invite them. If they're as asinine and dense as you, I'll have quite a good time ridiculing them. Somehow the threat of an internet word bout doesn't seem to significant to me. Now if I were to tell you I'd get 17 of my friends and smack you around for talking like that, then perhaps it would hold some meaning.

The Redwall:Warlords Forum Gang. Tough ey?

See now I am actually laughing.

"Of course YOU haven't because you still have the intelligance of a twelve year old."

Read that a few times Cindarin. Maybe I've got this all wrong, but when I'm trying to insult someone's intelligEnce, I don't spell the word wrong. That just makes me look unintelligEnt.

In conclusion: [edited]

"Shut your mouth, take your hand off of that thing you call manhood, and get a REAL EDUCATION!"

Coming from the mouth of the intelligEnt boy. I'm going to assume he is slightly older than twelve based on the fact that he used it as an insult. Although I'm quite certain my twelve year old brother can spell the word right...

I personally am looking for a REAL EDUCATION. If you would be so kind as to send me some information regarding a school where they teach spelling to mindless fools, I would be very grateful.

"I apologies to the admins for my rude behavior, but currently I am enraged beyond comprehension and if anyone has a problem with that they can drive on over to Ottawa and settle it once and for all. If anyone wants to know why I am angry; you can shove it where the sun don?t shine."

I aplologies to the admins for spelling this word (apologize) wrong throughout my entire post. Although I previously stated I could care less about anyone on this forum, somehow I have been enraged beyond comprehension because of someone on this forum. If anyone wants to know why I am angry, then they can shove wanting to know why I was angry where the sun don't shine.

Concerning playing with dolls.
Now how you managed to ascertain the fact that he played with dolls from a post where he discussed a Redwall Forum problem still has left me baffled. Perhaps it became evident to you when you realized you had absolutely nothing intelligEnt to respond with. Or was it when you realized that you were about as mature as a twelve year old? Brilliant Sherlock!

I'll be on over to Ottawa as soon as possible.


[*sighs* Name calling? It's childish, flaming, and against the rules. Why don't you try reading them again?]
Wolfbites #1 Fan!


 Maybe it is the fact that I enjoy wasting your time by posting a load of (Note to all: I am a fool) just to see your rediculous reactions to it.  If you asked anyone who knows me, you would know that there is nothing I like to do more then get people angry.  It strikes me odd as this being the easiest place to do so.
"Without love life has no meaning." - Joseph Nicholas

"Looks are just an added bonus." - Joseph Nicholas

"Meine Liebe, Mein Leben, Meine Welt." - Joseph Nicholas

user posted image

Well Actually I Do Have a

 Well done arguing your point there.


You're not very smart are you?
Wolfbites #1 Fan!


 All that I have to say, Cindarin, is that my friends said everything I would have said to your posts.

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant


 There was a reason why I locked the other topic. It was for the very same reason that is going on in here. This is nothing but a load of flaming and arguing, and it doesn't need to be on these forums. If you want to argue, do it over AIM. Otherwise, SHUT UP.

DON'T make another topic replying to any of the flames, insults, etc. herein.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart