Constantly Flaming?

Started by Retto, November 09, 2003, 06:34:15 PM

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 Let's be frank. Peace Alliance wants you all to put his little banner in your signatures so that he can say that everyone is doing it, so it's not breaking the rules. Then, if I allow it, he will turn around and say that we're all biased towards Wolf Bite and why didn't we disable him over the banner with Holby in it?

So, this is your warning: You put the banner in your signature, I will disable you.

Everyone puts the banner in their signatures, I disable putting images in signatures. I don't like it, so I'm gambling that most of the forum has a sense of right and wrong, and aren't going to follow Peace's immature crusade.
The 'ittle otter,

Dead Eye

 Ok I got rid of mine. I thought it waz funny and Peace said everyone was doing it and its a joke or something. Said I would get in trouble. So I did it. Thought Holby was in on it to so figured it was ok. I am done ~quiet~
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 I had it on for a second because I didn't actually read it, and didn't read this post either.


Quote from: RettoThen, if I allow it, he will turn around and say that we're all biased towards Wolf Bite and why didn't we disable him over the banner with Holby in it?
Maybe he'll do that, but if he does, his logic would be flawed anyways. As he already said, Holby doesn't find it as a flame. Though Wolf did (?). So obviously it's not a flame in this case? So then what rule does it break?

Unless you want to argue, that it's remotely similar to a banner that an ex-player once found offensive, so therefore is a semi-hinted-mild flame.

Peace Alliance

 Do you all think he is really going to go through and gag you all? Do you think he is going to take images off simply because of my lil banner?

If so, then Retto, you are pathetic. Its not a flame, and you can't even explain the connection between what it says and what you think it says. This is why i hate these forums. You people are so obsessed with what is and isn't allowed, I make a simple banner and gagged. Its [edited] if you ask me. The banner would NEVER have been cosidered a flame if me and wolf had never had an arguement. If Wolf envy had never been brought up before, then you would just look at my banner and chuckle at the fact that people think i could have been envious.

Lets pretend it was the other way around. lets pretend that I was the one who said Wolf was envious of my. I'm pretty sure i would have gotten in trouble for saying he was so insecure as to be envious of me. Then he would make the banner and you guys would have said it made sense because I was the one who flamed him in the first place. This is a prefect example of why people are leaving. you think you are fixing things with your rules, but you are not. Retto, you're just too proud to see what is wrong with the forums. You are willing to take actions against my banner, but not against the true problems?

I seriously hope that you all ignore him and put the manner like i asked.

[Please don't try to bend the rules about swearing.]


 Oooo this is getting intense.  So hot in here... nope that's just this on going debate.
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 Can I make fun of that banner with a banner of my own in my own sig makeing fun of myself?
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

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Ashyra Nightwing

 O.o I never had that banner in my sig.. I thought that it was odd.


Quote from: RettoPeace's immature crusade.
Erm... Retto, can't you ever be a bit... less serious?
I am back. First to notice gets a cookie...

*ten years later*



QuotePeace's immature crusade.

Is that not considered flaming?  Since when was it all right for the Admins to break thier own rules and flame people?

QuoteErm... Retto, can't you ever be a bit... less serious?

And by the ways things have been going this too should be considered a flame.  Oh wait it is a flame. So why aren't you two being gagged or warned?  Answer me that question.
"Without love life has no meaning." - Joseph Nicholas

"Looks are just an added bonus." - Joseph Nicholas

"Meine Liebe, Mein Leben, Meine Welt." - Joseph Nicholas

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 - . -

It is not, indeed, considered flaming.  We don't believe in a rigid straight interpretation of the rules here, Cindarin, so don't go splitting hairs.
The 'ittle otter,

Dead Eye

 Well my opion is Retto is and was being harsh

Wanna know what the problem is? My opion means jack. Peace's and Cindarin's opions mean jack. This is the admins forum, they make rules. Suck up, aint anything you can do. Cry and wine, they wont care. This is their forums. I am sorry, but nothing you can do.  
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov