What the!?

Started by Menatus, October 20, 2003, 09:39:56 PM

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 An E-mail I got...

Thank you for signing up for Redwall: Warlords - Dark Empires!

If you did not sign up for an account with us, please let us know
and delete this message with our apologies.

You entered the following information when you signed up:
Username: Menatus
Password: Menatus
Validation Code: 6406448afa8acdd41d6803c425674fca

Once you have used 150 turns, you will be prompted to enter the above
validation code in order to continue playing.
Please do NOT delete this e-mail until you have validated!

Be sure to check out the latest creations from us at
http://www.redwallwarlords.com/ and tell your friends about our great
services and games!

Your e-mail address shall remain strictly confidential and will NOT
be given out to anyone.

Should you want to reply to this e-mail, please use rwladmin@zlopid.com

Someone made an account with my RW name and E-mail. Why would they do that? To try and boot me off?

Peace Alliance

 It happened to about 10 people including Blood Wake. Blood wake got disabled from it. My guess is that someone found the e mail addresses (either by looking for everyones, which could be hard because not everyone uses the e mail address that they give out), or they hacked in and found the e mail addresses from the DB.

If the e mail they signed you up for isn't the one you used to sign up for real, then i would assume it was the first prediction, if it was the right one and you never told anyone about that e mail address, i would assume it was the later.

Blood wake got off the hook for this, i assume everyone else who got cought in the same problem did too. I use a different e mail address other then my normal one to prevent this very thing, i suggest you do it too.

The administration team would like to thank you for reporting you problems and... Wait a second... Are you guys SURE i'm not an admin? I mean... c'mon....

Ryach Karin

 This same thing keeps happening on my Warbands 2 game!!!!

I bet it's the same person.

Anyone have any ideas who's doing this?

Ashyra Nightwing

 Yeh... That happened to me... I'm undisabled now though.


 But it sent to my normal E-mail, which I used to sign up for regular with. Maybe they signed up for turno or something.


 Maybe it would be safer to not revael your E-mail to anyone here.  No one knows mine, I've been very careful, people could also sigh you up for spam...
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
user posted image
If someone died for you? Would you care?

Peace Alliance

QuoteRedwall: Warlords - Dark Empires

if it were turbo it would have "Turbo" added to the end of it.


 See my suggestion in the other topic.
# rovl.org


 My e-mail's not on here. It's all over my website though. I'm not confidential about anything. I don't know, it didn't do anything so it doesn't matter for now.

Ashyra Nightwing

 Odd. I'm not confidential about my email, but I don't think anyone here knows it...

caedo caelestis

 Someone on your MSN/ICQ/Yahoo/AIM contact list would be my first guess. Start including IPs on the sign up emails, even though a proxy would render it useless, you might catch a few amateurs.