What happened??

Started by Checkerpaw, October 03, 2003, 08:08:29 AM

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 Last night, Owe to Gata Solo (I think that is his entire name) was ranked somewhere around 13.  In fact, I think he was ranked one above me.  This morning I log in, and he's fallen to number 54!!  He dropped over 30 ranks in one night!  What happened to him?  I thought he was a strong warlord . . .

Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)

The Dark Warrior

 He attacked a lot of people, and then many of us attacked him back. I think anyways. I know he hit me about 20 times yesterday and I hit him about 15, and I asked Yellow Eyes to also hit him.

General Austin

 Northern whomped his booty. He smashed a Northern members, so we ganged up. Simple as that.
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

Han Solo

 Not quite as simple as that.  I am sure all you northern'ers would love it to be that way.  But the truth is after i attacked your clan the first time i deleted around 25k acres.  Then after i was hit hard i retaled gaining around 60k acres which i promtly deleted after that.  I will return.  In all from northern i think i must have deleted around 100k acres.  but of course they gain those acres back from other warlords and people they say they will not attack.  But folks when it comes down to it you can never trust those northerners.


General Austin

 I never knew any of that, only that you smashed one of my members. When did I say my clan would not attack you? That is a slander. I'm sorry that you were smashed that far down, but I did say that I would retaliate. Besides, you neevr said why you hit Northern anyway. Was it because we hit one of your allies? What?
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

Ashyra Nightwing

 Yerk. Didn't we have a treaty? Why did you attack me?


 Owe to Gata Solo poisened much of the food given to me by Holby for no apparent reason, and I recieved no message back when I asked about it, as I could not ignore more or less a bil food dissappearing.  Plus there is the fact that you have harshly attacked other Northern members without any cause.  If you come back, beware.  

And Northern and Loren have never to my knowledge had a peace treaty, RU however, did.  But, that was a different clan with different leadership, and I dumped it because I didnt want it.  Infact, RU was more or less allied with Loren only because Owe to Gata Solo was poiseing my food for no apparent reason, kinda like peace  =P (I was the only member of RU at that time).
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