A very sad happening...

Started by Duke Aubres, September 09, 2003, 04:22:55 PM

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Duke Aubres

 It all started. With a single sentence.

Pentephraxis: I think you should be able to attack with food in the next expansion. 'Twould be fun.
Duke Aubres: lol
Duke Aubres: Fly, my pineapples! FLY!
Pentephraxis: LOL
Duke Aubres: Bwahahahahaha
Pentephraxis: But nothing compares to the power of...frozen peas...
Duke Aubres: Uh-oh.
Duke Aubres: *cowers in fear*
Duke Aubres: Pineapples are no match...
Duke Aubres: NO! NOT THE PEAS!!
Pentephraxis: *pulls out peas, only to find that they have defrosted*
Pentephraxis: NOOOOOOOOOO...
Duke Aubres: EulaliaaaaAAARGH
Duke Aubres: *charges forward only to find that he was shot by a half-frozen pea*
Pentephraxis: LOL
Duke Aubres: Egh...
Duke Aubres: *leans over to a loyal pineapple officer*
Duke Aubres: Avenge me..
Pentephraxis: Noooooooo.....
Duke Aubres: Ergh.
Pentephraxis: NOOOOOOOOOOO
Duke Aubres: *dies dramatically*
Duke Aubres: *dies again for a more dramatic effect*
Pentephraxis: lol
Duke Aubres: *pineapple occifer gathers up remaining troops and charges the peas*
Pentephraxis: *peas don't stand a chance against vengeful pinapples*
Duke Aubres: LOL
Pentephraxis: My peas.... Nooooooo... *mourns*
Duke Aubres: *pineapples stop their charge and load up their banana guns*
Duke Aubres: Bwahahahaa
Duke Aubres: *piney dudes aim*
Duke Aubres: BLAM!
Duke Aubres: *thousands of pineapple chunks streak towards their target:
Duke Aubres: Ashyra.
Pentephraxis: Yup...
Duke Aubres: *the insane pineapple says*
Pentephraxis: My peas are DEAD...
Duke Aubres: lol
Pentephraxis: *brings out the CARROTS*
Duke Aubres: 0.0
Pentephraxis: Fweheheheheheheheeee!
Duke Aubres: *pineapples stop in their tracks*
Duke Aubres: Erp.
Pentephraxis: *carrots pull out very pointy Pointy Sticks Of DOOM*
Duke Aubres: *all of the pineapples disobey commander in fear of the sticks*
Duke Aubres: NoOoOoOoO!!
Pentephraxis: CHAAAAAAAARGE!!!
Duke Aubres: *half of the army deserts*
Duke Aubres: *the others die from a very pointy Pointy Stick barrage*
Pentephraxis: LOL
Duke Aubres: Eep.
Duke Aubres: Ah, well..
Duke Aubres: There's always...MY secret weapon...
Pentephraxis: o.O
Duke Aubres: *goes back into refrigerator*
Pentephraxis: *is scared*
Duke Aubres: *comes out with a large trashbag full of....*
Pentephraxis: ....
Duke Aubres: *he says as he winds them up*
Duke Aubres: lol
Duke Aubres: *thousands of annoying, chattering, pointy teethed, EVIL dentures come crawling out onto the kitchen floor*
Pentephraxis: *carrots explode with fear, leaving only Pointy Sticks of Doom on the floor*
Pentephraxis: Noooooooooooo!
Duke Aubres: *dentures hurt their feet on the very pointy Pointy Sticks of Doom*
Pentephraxis: how...do...you...stop..them?
Pentephraxis: *finds some...*
Pentephraxis: TOOTHPICKS!
Duke Aubres: *dentures charge out against Ashyra's last remaining carrot cannon*
Duke Aubres: ERP
Duke Aubres: NOOOOOOOooooOOOOOooooOOOO!
Pentephraxis: *stuffs the toothpicks in thecarrot cannon*
Duke Aubres: *dentures waddle faster*
Pentephraxis: *3...2...1...BANG!*
Duke Aubres: *dentures are poked in the eyes by thousands of toothpicks*
Pentephraxis: *Toothpicks fly towards dentures at the speed of sound*
Duke Aubres: *more get poked in the eye. All stop waddling*
Duke Aubres: *POOF is the sound they make when they pop into oblivion from lack of twisting*
Duke Aubres: *POOF*
Pentephraxis: *takes the opportunity to find some.....*
Duke Aubres: Uh-oh..
Pentephraxis: *thinks*
Pentephraxis: Vindictive grapes with fruit tea bombs?
Duke Aubres: *goes into his little brother's room*
Pentephraxis: Or could it be....
Duke Aubres: *comes out with*
Pentephraxis: BOOHBAHS?
Pentephraxis: (Boohbahs are an evil English children's TV programme*)
Duke Aubres: *some parts sold separately*
Pentephraxis: *hides*
Duke Aubres: *Teletubbies waddle over to Ashyra's hiding place*
Duke Aubres: *surrounds the toothpick fortress*
Duke Aubres: *bombs of evil sitcom cuteness explode in and around the toothpick base*
Pentephraxis: *The gates open...
Pentephraxis: and out come....
Duke Aubres: *gasp*
Pentephraxis: THE WIGGLES!
Duke Aubres: *teletubbies cannot contend with idiocy of the Wiggles*
Duke Aubres: *some try and stay to fight with their bombs of un-intelligible cuteness*
Pentephraxis: *Wiggles charge*
Duke Aubres: *Tubbies die from force of charge*
Duke Aubres: *from out of the rubble of the Teletubby base comes....*
Pentephraxis: *Wiggles trip over dead teletubbies*
Duke Aubres: A Mutation.
Pentephraxis: O.O
Duke Aubres: A teletubby Mutant Ninja turtle. With a AUTOMATIC DENTURE.
Pentephraxis: O.O
Pentephraxis: Save us!
Duke Aubres: *Tubby-Turtle, TT for short, eats the first Wiggle figurine that he sees*
Pentephraxis: *a noise can be heard from the toothpick fortress*
Duke Aubres: *TT stops his eating to look up*
Pentephraxis: *the gates swing open...*
Pentephraxis: Out rolls...
Duke Aubres: *crickets chirp*
Pentephraxis: The GIANT WHEEL 'O' CHEESE?
Pentephraxis: *gasp*
Duke Aubres: CHEESE-Y-NESS!
Duke Aubres: *TT stands stock still in horror*
Pentephraxis: *cheese rolls forwards*
Duke Aubres: *TT side-steps just in time to avoid being rolled-over*
Duke Aubres: *he uses his video-camera belly to try and make mush of the cheese's brain*
Pentephraxis: The Giant Wheel 'O' Cheese?  has no brain! It is therefore UNSTOPPABLE!
Duke Aubres: AGH!!
Pentephraxis: But it looks tasty...
Pentephraxis: ?
Duke Aubres: *The TT had not counted on a foe having a brain as tiny at it's own...*
Duke Aubres: *TT tries to use his dentures to save him*
Duke Aubres: *Gnaw. Crunch, munch*
Pentephraxis: The only thng that the Giant Wheel 'o' Cheese? fears!
Pentephraxis: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....
Duke Aubres: *cheers come up from the dead teletubby figurines*
Pentephraxis: *the last of the cheese disappears*
Duke Aubres: *TT burps*
Pentephraxis: NOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO...
Duke Aubres: But wait!
Pentephraxis: But...
Duke Aubres: Something rumbles..
Pentephraxis: The cheese has it's own secret weapon!
Duke Aubres: *TT's stomach rumbles*
Pentephraxis: Is the TT going to die of cheese poisoning?
Duke Aubres: *TT flops down on the ground, writhing in agony*
Duke Aubres: *clutches his stomach*
Duke Aubres: NO!!! CAN IT BE???
Duke Aubres: *TT dies from trademarked cheese poisoning*
Pentephraxis: *Ashyra cheers*
Duke Aubres: Grr.
Pentephraxis: Is there anything left of her army...
Duke Aubres: *gets out his last reserve*
Duke Aubres: ICE CUBES!!!!
Pentephraxis: O.o
Duke Aubres: Bwarrharrharr
Pentephraxis: Oh no.
Duke Aubres: *Ice Cubes slide out of the Fridgerator*
Pentephraxis: *is hypnotized by their shiny-ness*
Pentephraxis: Oooooooh....
Pentephraxis: *watches*
Duke Aubres: *chips them into fashionable figurines*
Pentephraxis: *stares*
Pentephraxis: Ooooooh....
Duke Aubres: *figurines advance agaisnt Ashyra in her stupor of shiny-ness*
Duke Aubres: Blip....Bloop...
Pentephraxis: *At the last minute...
Pentephraxis: A huge HAMSTER  appears!
Duke Aubres: NOOOOOO!
Pentephraxis: And it's wearing a little Superman cape...
Duke Aubres: *figurines stop in their tracks*
Pentephraxis: And it's FLYING!
Duke Aubres: *figurines cower in icy fear*
Pentephraxis: *It picks up Ashyra and carries her to safety*
Duke Aubres: *figurines' blood runs cold*
Pentephraxis: *hamster lands*
Pentephraxis: *hamster opens its mouth...*
Duke Aubres: *figurines try to move, but are "frozen" in their tracks*
Pentephraxis: *hamster eats the first figurine!*
Duke Aubres: *gasps*
Duke Aubres: *figurines charge at the last moment*
Pentephraxis: *hamster swallows them...*
Pentephraxis: But the hamster is not listening to Ashyra's orders!
Duke Aubres: Oh My gosh!
Duke Aubres: AND LOOK
Pentephraxis: *looks*
Duke Aubres: *lots of baby grape rebels come in from the southern lands*
Pentephraxis: *It turns around.... and flaps it's superman cape....and is too heavy to fly!*
Pentephraxis: NOOOOOOOOOO
Duke Aubres: *grapes attack the cute hamster*
Pentephraxis: *hamster steps on the grapes!*
Duke Aubres: NOOOoooOOOOoooooOOO!
Duke Aubres: *Duke Aubres realizes he cannot face the mighty power of a fat hamster with a superman cape*
Duke Aubres: *retreats to his country of Burgundy-land*
Pentephraxis: *chases the hamster over the horizon*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END

The Lady Shael


Somehow, I knew cheese was going to find its way in there when I read the first line...considering a) it's about food, b ) it's an insane topic, c) it's about RWL, and d) you're talking to Ashyra.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


 Shouldn't this be in the spam forums?
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

Dead Eye

 Ah Almkman, please lighten up. Even Shael, an motd, mentioned nothing about spam. He is telling us about a converstaion he had. I find it important information. ~shakes head~
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov

Duke Aubres

 I was thinking it would be considered a Role-Play topic, but no-one ever reads the RP's. Ah, well. Ban me if it really is that important. Almkman, sorry if I broke the rules. ;)

~Duke Aubres~


 lol, people dont (usually) get banned for doin somthin like this, rather the topic is moved...  Almkman overreacted...  neah...
yiss, anyways... methinks it twas a very enlightening saga which explained the various uses of vegitables, fruits, cheese, dental appliances, and various 'cute' television evil doers as weapons...  
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 Did I say you could capitalise my name?No.So please refrain from capitalising almkman.Just like you don't want windhound capitalised. *is in bad mood*
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

The Lady Shael

 I don't consider it spam, since it really isn't, and there's a lot of people who don't read the spam forum either. And technically it's RWL-related. And we need to cheer up this place, it's been getting dreary lately...

BTW, Duke, I just edited your post to take out some O's in "NOOO!!", because they were messing up the browser scroll bar. *nods*
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


 Oh sure everyone takes Dead Eye's side.No one listens to this noob who has 600 posts that have nothing to do with this place. *walks off ranting* <_<  
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

Abby The Rat

 Oddy Duke Aubres have died 3 times in the whole thing and yet he lived to run away? Yes, it not spam since it about RWL and it has an idea for RWL.  
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: [https://discord.gg/9CkfKWD]



You made me laugh out loud at 7:45 in the morning. For this, I salute you. *salutes*

May I valiantly lead my amazing purple pretzels into battle now?

*is reminded of the Panda Bear Warriors thing*

Ashyra Nightwing

 Yay! That was one of the best IM conversations I've ever had!

*flicks frozen peas around at random people*

Dead Eye

 almkman- We arent taking sides or anything. And you arent a [edit]. They are just agreeing that you could lighten up a bit and not try to make the forums miserable by getting people punished.

[edit, please stop using the term. This is your first warning.]
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;a href=&#039;http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha&#039; target=&#039;_blank&#039;&gt;http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Spokesperson for The winter clan. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov