
Started by Brock, July 15, 2003, 01:06:06 AM

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 Yes, well, I would NEVER, EVER, intentionally misspell anything! *evilly sneezes* I'm insane! Mwahaha! You shall be taken into the toilet of grammatica, where everyone but you says things right! Mwahahaha! DOOM! DOOOOOOOM! *is insane*

Ashyra Nightwing

 We're all nice people. Especially me. *nodnod* Do you like cheese, Krif? I think you should  join Cafi.

Urran Voh

 Good-bye Brock.  I hope you have fun doing whatever you are doing instead of wasting your life in front of your computer like the rest of us.  I tried to leave twice already, but the temptation was too great.  I love RWL!  :rolleyes:

Hello Krif.  I hope you enjoy your time here.

For both of you:   :hihi:  
I only log into this name when my Badrang name takes too long to log in.  (Sorry if this doesn't make sense...)


 *note to Krif*
Ignore the sane people on here... they're the ones likely to come kill you in your bed as your sleep, without any prior indications of criminal behavior...

The insane ones? Well, we're just odd... *cackles*