Hello, God! Are you there?

Started by TR Shadow, June 12, 2003, 07:01:33 PM

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 Maybe we should just let this topic be. Who cares what religion you are. Let's close this topic.



 Wicca FAQ's

From what I could gather, wiccans worship nature, believe in both a male and female god, and are not considered Satanists.

"Definition" of Paganism

Pagan is somewhat of an ambiguous term. It's not a word you can just look up in the dictionary and define. Society has defined it several different ways.

I'm a Christian. I believe there is one God and for me to worship anything/anyone else would be a sin. I believe the Bible is the guidebook to live by and nothing else. I believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. People would say, "You're intolerant." However, I'm not intolerant. Others can believe whatever they wish as far as I'm concerned, but that doesn't mean that I have to agree. You see, there's a very big difference between tolerance and compromise.

"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart