a LOT of land has been dumped this season

Started by Peace Alliance, June 09, 2003, 04:12:36 PM

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Peace Alliance

Just because you're a newb, and you have no chance against me doesn't mean you can go around flaming me and telling lies to my allies. So what if i'm better then you? I do belive that I am allowed to be better then you, its not a valid reason for you to lie to other people about me. I'm getting very tired of seeing you lie about everything i do juse to try and get me kicked out of a clan, or try to get people ot hate me. And now i laugh at you because you're pothetic at the game, and because you think you have a chance to kill me in regular. WHO PLOTS AGAINST THEY'RE OWN CLAN MEMBER?? why a traitor of course!!!!.
QuoteGod... your pathetic.
Please explain how god is pothetic? He's done more for you then you can comprehend.


      Lol. You make me almost want to piss myself laughing. If it weren't for me you wouldn't even know about this game. Heck if it weren't for me you would'nt even know how to start to play this game. Remember I am the 1 who helped you out when you first started. I am the one who introduced this game to you. Just because I haven't played since reg season 1 doesn't make me a newb. And you ARE going against our great and wonderfull clan Slayer you dishonorable smuck.
    And unlike you I don't spend 14 hours day, 7 days a week thinking about this game. There are better things to do you know. And complaining about land dropping is not 1 of them. Besides haven't I told you I don't care about the ranking system of this game? And that the only thing that inerests me is haveing fun attacking people, taking what comes at me and rebuilding to reapeat it all over again?
    Yes I have. However you don't care about that. You only care about being number 1 when you know you can't. Sure maybe i'm not that good but others are. And don't go putting people like Merc down because he is better then you are. And your Emeperor idead is stupid. You knew it wouldn't work. Everyone else knew it wouldn't work. And when it happened the game went into absolute chaos, ABSOLUTE FUN~! While everyone else is haveing fun trying to survive what are you doing? Complaining that people are taking you out.
    If you have noticed, I have not once complained about being hit. In fact I congradulate people who hit me because I love it. Take Ghana for instance, sure he takes lots of my land and dumps it. That is because he is good at the game and knows how to stop self sentered selfish people like you from winning.
    Now do as all a favor and stop posting everywhere on land drop.
"Without love life has no meaning." - Joseph Nicholas

"Looks are just an added bonus." - Joseph Nicholas

"Meine Liebe, Mein Leben, Meine Welt." - Joseph Nicholas

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Peace Alliance

 I'll start off by exposing you're lies.

Adam introduced this game you me. And you to him. Adam tought me what i needed to know but I will admit that I sucked in the first season. (I ended up better then you though)

I get to school today and there you are laughing at me because of you're little schemes last night while my computer was down. You and a friend were trying to get me kicked out of slayer so you could attacking me. I joined slayer because i was ready to settle down with a clan. I don't want to rule regular. At least not on my own, and who better to rule with then a loyal clan like slayer? I have never had any plans of backstabbing slayer. At least not since I lost my alliance with ereptor and The Mercinary because of more lies that were spread about me.

I don't like it when people lie, Cindarin. And it bugs me even more when they're lies encriminate me.

QuoteAnd unlike you I don't spend 14 hours day, 7 days a week thinking about this game. There are better things to do you know. And complaining about land dropping is not 1 of them. Besides haven't I told you I don't care about the ranking system of this game? And that the only thing that inerests me is haveing fun attacking people, taking what comes at me and rebuilding to reapeat it all over again?
Well then.... Thanks for telling all of us how much you don't care about redwall. And how much of a weaselbrain you are in the game. Its a good thing you dont care about the ranking because, just like other new players, you can't hold on to you're land. I used to be like that too. i could hit high people but then when i took the land i wouldn't be able to hold on to it. Its the trademark of a bad player.

QuoteYes I have. However you don't care about that. You only care about being number 1 when you know you can't. Sure maybe i'm not that good but others are. And don't go putting people like Merc down because he is better then you are. And your Emeperor idead is stupid. You knew it wouldn't work. Everyone else knew it wouldn't work. And when it happened the game went into absolute chaos, ABSOLUTE FUN~! While everyone else is haveing fun trying to survive what are you doing? Complaining that people are taking you out.
The objective of this game is to be number 1. Thats the fun of it! You want to have fun just as much as i do and thats how i do it. I don't have fun sucking the game of land. I don't have fun trying to support huge armys on 4k land. and few people do. Retto (The respected and loved admin for this game, if ya didn't know) agrees with me.

AHhhhh... Another lie! You HAVE compleined about ghana. Not on the forum, but i've heard you, many times at school go "I hate ghana, how are we going to kill him?" to me. Expecting me to have an answer because you look up to my abilitys.

I am not complaining. I am stating a simple fact; the game isn't fun without land. I am not the only one who thinks so and you are not the only one who thinks otherwise. But its a simple fact. I am not even posting about it anymore. If you observent enough, you would notice that my posts stopped when Retto made the new rule.

Stop trying to flame me. Stop trying to make me look bad with you're lies. I have done nothing wrong, i don't deserve you're posts. Please just stop talking to me, and stop going around lying. People not only don't believe you they wont respect you if you do it. And i know you want people to respect you, i can tell.

One last thing. Next time you want to flame me like that, come and talk to me at school. It was pretty pointless putting that up on the forums and making me look bad. You were just trying to be the big man while you were 20 miles away and didn't have to confront me untill tomarrow.

This arguement  =  OVER


 All I got out of that was blah blah blah wah wah wah.


QuoteThe objective of this game is to be number 1. Thats the fun of it! You want to have fun just as much as i do and thats how i do it. I don't have fun sucking the game of land. I don't have fun trying to support huge armys on 4k land. and few people do. Retto (The respected and loved admin for this game, if ya didn't know) agrees with me.

See that right there? No? Let me type it so you can. "I don't have fun sucking the game of land."
    And if you haven't noticed lots of people are getting annoyed with you complaining about things that happen to you on RedWall. I even have people begging me to hit you. Although I don't because I haven't been on here twice a day like you have. In fact i'm even lucky to get on.
    Also, i'm sorry that I don't need to buddy up to the admins to have my fun. No offence to the admins but you guys seem to listen to alot of what peace ahs to say such as the enw rule on Land Dumping. And of course it takes away the fun of the game by making it easier. If anything this game should be harder with people constantly attacking others.
    I have to agree with some other forum postings about you when they say that when you say "me", you eman "I". And when you say "everybody" , "others" , and "us". You still mean "I".
    As for trying to get you kicked out of Slayer? I've allready spoken to Wolfbite on that small problem. Maybe he just doesn't realize it yet but most of the people who want to hit Slayer are after you and you alone. Besides Wolf Bite already knows I want you dead on Reg. As for turbo. I don't like it that musch anyway that's why iv'e been offering people to take my land like Mafia. I sent him all my military and sold the rest I couldn't send because his empire was to great. I demolished all I had, and offered for both of you to take my land, practically for free. Yet did you take it? No. So if your the reason they made this new land dropping rule. And you hate it so much. Why did you not take up this offer for free land?
"Without love life has no meaning." - Joseph Nicholas

"Looks are just an added bonus." - Joseph Nicholas

"Meine Liebe, Mein Leben, Meine Welt." - Joseph Nicholas

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      Peace. If I have gotten you mad or upset in any way I will appologize for that. I'm not trying to be mean or get you mad. I'm just... trying  to show you theres more to the game then winning all the time. There is losing. Sure you may not have All the bagging rights if your not in first but there is still fun in the struggle to stay alive. Fun when your on the brink of being destroyed. More fun i'd say then being to high for anyone to do somethingto your empire. That is when the game gets boring. That is when there is no fun to it anymore.
    And if it makes you happy I will come completely clean to everyone about my lies and deciet. First off to the Slayer clan. I wanted to join your clan to be allied with great players like Wolf Bite, Ray, and Xerxes. It had nothing to do with power or ranking. Just the chance to be with the good guys. Then we went to WAR against everyone. This didn't shake my loyalty to the clan 1 bit. What did was Wolf Bite being mutilated on Turbo. When I saw this I began to wonder could the same thing happen on regular? So I started to think about taking Peace out of regular. This is because of his act of WAR against me in many ways. Over the past few days my mind has been going from treason to staying loyal. In the end I decided to stay loyal and betrayed the uprises, giving there names to Wolf Bite.
   Remember when this season started I told you that if you hit me, i'll take you out with me? I do believe I stayed with that promise until now. I never go back on what I say when I mean it.
   That's all I have to say. Thank you for your time and goodbye.
"Without love life has no meaning." - Joseph Nicholas

"Looks are just an added bonus." - Joseph Nicholas

"Meine Liebe, Mein Leben, Meine Welt." - Joseph Nicholas

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Peace Alliance

 Thanks for the coming clean. But this is still bothering me:

Quote... trying to show you theres more to the game then winning all the time. There is losing. Sure you may not have All the bagging rights if your not in first but there is still fun in the struggle to stay alive.

OK, I'd like you all to look at the objectives for this game. Is it not to become the emporor? Because other then habing fun, I'm pretty sure thats the ojective. And it bugs me (and its happened before) when people try to make me look bad because I want to win... Don't we all want to win? Am I missing something. do I have somethng that I need to work on so that I can understand things? And do I really say I too many times? Should I take that into consiferation. I dont want my I's do bother you. I just want to be understood.


 Right now i'm to tiered to think of something. But i'm sure I can by tommorow. That is if I can get lucky and get on.
"Without love life has no meaning." - Joseph Nicholas

"Looks are just an added bonus." - Joseph Nicholas

"Meine Liebe, Mein Leben, Meine Welt." - Joseph Nicholas

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