Not just pocket change

Started by Peace Alliance, May 16, 2003, 07:38:45 PM

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Peace Alliance

 You guys seem to ignore some key facts. I was not asking people to attack him during the treaty. Because i understand that?s just like using somebody else?s military. I was asking people to start fighting him once the treaty was over. I'm darn sure he was getting people to help him attack me when it was over aswell. I'm sure he had people holding money for him, and i didn't break the contract.

Sorry to ruin your reputation here Wolf, you did break our treaty. You agreed to it under the same circumstances as we have now. You always knew i had a price on you're head, you just decided to take an easy shot while i had my guard down.

wolf bite

 A few things:

I did not know there was a bounty on y head at this time. About a weak ago someone hit me for your bounty and half the game attacked him and he has not been heard of since.

I could have sent all my money to someone else and per your understanding.  I would not have done that, but the way you look at it this would have been fair.  I did not, would not have done anything to help in an attack suring a treaty.

you made a post to tell people that I had money. even if there was no bounty, that was to intice people to attack me.

So what do you think i should have done. sat here for 4 days as the game attacked me for my money.  I had to use the money, you forced my hand.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Peace Alliance

 i dont see the part where i said you have a lot of money. i never posted your stats, never told them how much you had......

Once again you're making stuff up to make me sound bad. you insist on turning me into the bad guy when i'm not. if you were any newb, or anyone who is less respected. people would be agreeing with me, telling me how wrong it was for you to break the treaty. But since you have some ancient respect that has nothing to do with now, people believe anything you say. so when you say i'm the bad guy... all of a sudden i am!  

wolf bite

Quote from: Peace Alliance... but if you have the skill, you will be rich!
I think i made my point. Saying that a person that steals form me would be rich is telling them i have something to steal.

I say again, I do not think Peace thought he was breaking the treaty, becasue he really did not want to deal with me punishing him.  But a non agression pack would be "no aggression" in any form. My first big falling out with Peace was when he gave troups to a person that was a known enemy of mine.  He should have known then that I feel that knowingly aiding your allie's enemies is a breach of Treaty.

I further have no want to have Peace looked at as the bad guy, I really think that he has no wish to be evil. But Peace seems to have his own ways of looking at things that does not take into account how the majoraty of people would think.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Peace Alliance

 with a 3 billion dollar reword on you're head, if someone is to succeed against you they would be rish because i would be paying them!


 Depends whether 3 billion is a lot of money.  ;)  
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