Started by alacazar, May 05, 2003, 11:41:48 AM

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Quote from: alacazarglad to know I can strike terror into the hears of even the most hardend warlord  :snicker:

aside from that sorry about the gibberish
Sorry, babe, but I'm afraid that while Ereptor is definately hardened, there are those who are hardened more...


If they wanted to, they could probably beat the pants off of Ereptor, which isn't really a commentary on Ereptor's skills at all... Just making the point that in the good old days, before the first influx of newbies, the fighting was fiercer and more of the players fought long and hard over their acres.

I won't even comment on the spelling lol I'd rather be nice tonite.


 You seem to think that no one else can become good at this game.  I have only been playing this game for about a month and a half and I have become very good.  As for the newbs, it is only a matter of time before someone shakes off their newb status and becomes somewhat decent at this game.
Who turned out the lights?

"Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!" ~ Homer Simpson


 I know that, and I also know that I'm a rather horrible player at this game- computer games have never been something I'm even decent at- but I'm just saying... as far as hardened warlords (and by this, I mean completely ruthless and weathered warlords who've seen it all) go, you can't beat these guys- they're legends.


 Can't beat the legends huh?  I have seen the legends and they have seen my back as I have passed them up in the ranks.  Well this goes for the ones that actually play still.
Who turned out the lights?

"Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!" ~ Homer Simpson


Quote from: calriaSorry, babe, but I'm afraid that while Ereptor is definately hardened, there are those who are hardened more...


If they wanted to, they could probably beat the pants off of Ereptor, which isn't really a commentary on Ereptor's skills at all... Just making the point that in the good old days, before the first influx of newbies, the fighting was fiercer and more of the players fought long and hard over their acres.

I won't even comment on the spelling lol I'd rather be nice tonite.
I don't know about those you mentioned being "more hardened", as they're all from about the same time. Certainly no more than 30 numbers apart, excluding Germania, who was #98.

Ereptor can play, and while these people would give Ereptor a run for his money, that doesn't mean he couldn't finish on top. I think it would be tremendous fun to have the old double-digiters battle it out, and see what happens. If I remember rightly, Ereptor was frequently in the top 10 during the "good old days" you talk about, and the leader of TBV in which I believe you were a part of?
I will not deleted this


 Mercanary,  yes you have killed me once,  and that means???????

Ive gotten or paid a signigicant role of the kiling of some of the vets listed above.  A kill as far as I am concerned mean about nothing.  

ON that note as to why anyone should be terrified of me,   I wouldent be terrified of myself.  

MY history showes me doing lots of "tragicly stupid hero typ stuff" I beleave one of the guys who helped in alacazars kill, I had the opertunity to kill several weeks before.  Had him widdled down to the point I could have orderd pal to finish him and they would have.  Instead I offered him an peace treaty.   So far I have regretted saving his life several times.   But not enough to make me change polacy

Also I have a histroy of helping people who ask ;)   so no I am not a scary warlord LOL

Any attacks on Alacazar himslef up to and including the kill have been forgiven simply because alacazar is dead.  I am the Paladin,  A totaly different and disticnt player :)

As to why I am not leader of PAL.  I dont want it.    It has been offerd to me, and some have asked me to take it back.  But I am a warrior,  unless pal needs me at the head I will be where I am most needed

ON that note breakfast calls



 Am I the one you spared?  I do recall only have 2000 land at one point.  No matter.  You will regret sparing my life.
Who turned out the lights?

"Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!" ~ Homer Simpson


 down to 2000 land,  I had 400 turns to burn, you had just finished saying you were going to destroy pal,  I offerd peace, because I am a good guy and I give everyone a second chance, you said sure, later I got attacked adn destroyed.  AS I said alacazar is dead,  the offences against him are no longer if affect

Pal however will be preotected

The Mercenary

Alcazar, you never whittled me down, nor did you offer me a treaty. I killed you.


 your right,  and if you look I never said your name eater ;)

the person in question is the current leader of chosen


 Well alacazar I will tell you this.  PAL is going to need some mighty heavy protecting because it seems that Chosen and even the Mercenary are after their heads.
Who turned out the lights?

"Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!" ~ Homer Simpson


Quote from: Holby
Quote from: calriaSorry, babe, but I'm afraid that while Ereptor is definately hardened, there are those who are hardened more...


If they wanted to, they could probably beat the pants off of Ereptor, which isn't really a commentary on Ereptor's skills at all... Just making the point that in the good old days, before the first influx of newbies, the fighting was fiercer and more of the players fought long and hard over their acres.

I won't even comment on the spelling lol I'd rather be nice tonite.
I don't know about those you mentioned being "more hardened", as they're all from about the same time. Certainly no more than 30 numbers apart, excluding Germania, who was #98.

Ereptor can play, and while these people would give Ereptor a run for his money, that doesn't mean he couldn't finish on top. I think it would be tremendous fun to have the old double-digiters battle it out, and see what happens. If I remember rightly, Ereptor was frequently in the top 10 during the "good old days" you talk about, and the leader of TBV in which I believe you were a part of?
Yes, Holby, I agree with you. When I say hardened, however, I also mean a sense of downright meanness, the likes of which Ereptor hasn't totally achieved. Also, I don't remember when he was in top ten on the original server... I was in TBV (original) and The Return of TBV. Then Josh asked me to spy for him at EVTF for a while, and then I joined Josh's clans, and then I went to RIM, so I didn't say with TBV to the end, as some did.


Quote from: calriaAlso, I don't remember when he was in top ten on the original server...
You don't!? :blink:
Why don't you ask Ereptor? I don't remember too well. But, if we're talking old original, he was top ten for at least a week after I joined. Things went downhill after the temporary disabling, though.
*Hopes for an oldtimer to recall the events properly*
I will not deleted this

Dead Eye

 Though this news my not mean much to PAL, choosen has kicked me out of their clan. I was the one who spoke strongest about the war to PAL, and ended up having the full war begin. But Choosen, for no reason, kicked me out. As of now, I am no threat to PAL. As of now anyways.
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 Dont worry deadeye, Im going to get you back into chosen no matter what the others have to say. You played a vital role in chosen and i want to keep it that way! I'll make sure your back in soon.

oh and btw it's Chosen not choosen ;)  
"It has purple inside, purple is a fruit.." Homer Simpson