Race specific leader missions

Started by Drakus, April 11, 2013, 08:46:34 AM

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I can't access WB's journal any longer, so can someone tell me all the race-specific leader missions for all races and their effects?


[EDIT: I realized after I did this that you want this on reg, but this list below is for turbo. I don't recall all the reg ones offhand, but if they share the same name they do the same thing as on turbo]

Rat: battlefield healers: you take reduced losses when you attack people
Stoat: turns workers into leaders at an accelerated rate
Fox: cloak: hies 1% of your networth per cast, and it stacks.
wildcat: pressgang: turn workers into troops at an accelerated rate
Lizard: fortify: you gain a defense boost, reduced losses, and your enemy takes extra losses when attacking you
Wolf: inspire fear: enemies take 1% desertions when they attack you
marten: commerce: 10% increased cash output
magpie: tax evasion: no health penalty for high tax rate
ferret: rain dance: 10% increased food output
weasel: prod market: increases the amount of stuff available in mercenaries by one turn-cycle worth.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..