Started by Trident, May 01, 2003, 11:02:47 PM

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 *sniffs* 'Tis all my fault! I got Cal into TUI, I admit. However, it is not my fault she stayed here at RWL. *snickers* I left. So nyah. But, yes, in a round-about way...

But it does seem that I killed the forums. Bad Sha. I tend to do that, and I don't know why. Maybe it's the fact that I like Bob the tomato. I don't know. Er. Whoops. I was going to comment on what the poll is about.

I did not become addicted to RWL when I played, unfortunately. I had played the Utopia game prior to RWL and wasn't crazy about it. That could do with the fact my schoolmates attacked me without identifying themselves... But er, I guess I'm just not into the whole game thing. So, I'm not addicted, nor was I. However, considering I visit these forums every day, and even during school, I'm addicted to the forums. *snickers*

Abby The Rat

 Ah, but the forum is part of RWL so.... work that out, I'm going to take nap, after all. I've beem up for 22/23 hours now..
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 *nods* There should be a "forum only" option on there. Then I could vote. *stares at the poll* I like polls, yes I do.

And erm. If you haven't slept in 23 hours, I would say that a nap is a good thing. *nods*

Abby The Rat

 Gah, this is the 3 time I've manage to stay wake nearly 24 hours and I've lost count of all the times I've done really late nighters (Pass midnight)

Soo..... I'm sleeping pretty badly at the moment. ~Shrugs~

Well, I got to get my dinner then I'm off for a nap
Not around, please ignore.

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