Game Administrator's Bill of Rights

Started by Stormclaw, April 22, 2003, 08:53:14 AM

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 We the Administrators have Certain Rights and Privileges which Should Not be Denied, and They Are As Follows:

#0: The Right to Not Be Taken Too Seriously, and Yet Listened To

This document is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but the stuff discussed, irreverently phrased as it might be, should be heeded.

#1: The Right To Be Addressede by our Propere Names (And Genderes)

I am Stormclaw. Right? Storm, if it becomes totally neccessary. Not Stormy, Stormie, stormclaw, stromclw, or stoormlawc. I will ignore anyone who addresses me by those names (Except Stormy, which is an appelation that only twelve or so people are allowed to use. Use that one and I'll kill you.).

Furthermore, I am male. The three administrators, Boze, Retto, and Ragefur, are also male. Kindly remember this.

#2: The Righte To Make A Mistake Once in a While

Yes, we make mistakes. You're somehow surprised?

#3: The Right To Defend Oure Decisisiones

On the other hand, if you think something's a mistake and we don't, we should be allowed to defend our position without people screaming about how we're the biggest idiots since John Saxon.

#4: The Right to Cracke Jokes by Leaving Blank Slottes on the Liste

#5: The Right To Be Informede of Any So-Called 'Unwritten Lawes'

If there are rules to this sort of thing, you'd think some moron would take the time to write them out. Sheesh. I get in trouble for playing and administrating because it's against these supposed rules. I'm supposed to just psychically divine this, am I?

So I stop playing (which sets the scene for people to beg me to return, argh argh argh).  And now you're telling me that changing something to make life more fun for the 600+ people who aren't in the top ten -not my idea, by the way-without the express permission of those self-same current leaders is against these hypothetical rules?

Would someone please write out these rules? Or at least tell me who made them up, so I can go and beat- I mean, talk to him (with a baseball bat)?

#6: The Righte To Do Ase We Wish with Oure Own Time, Propertie, and Moneye

This one I'm going to point at Ereptor: Just the fact that you have the sheer gall to complain about the game surprises me. Boze hosts the game. Retto codes. I... well, I make suggestions, but I used to do a little of everything. Ragefur is (supposedly) keeping these forums under control and helping with game administration. Anyone care to guess the gross income for RWL? Or even the net income, after we deduct the server costs? Or even the net income for any one of the four of us?

When was the last time you saw a fee? Or an advertisement? Seriously, the admins provide this game to you free of charge, at the expense of their own time and money- heck, the other three are so busy between their lives and administrating this jungle that I'm the only one who even has time to defend us!

#7: The Righte to Sette What Lawes and Rules We Deem Fitte

As noted above- free of charge. The upshot, then, is this- we create, enforce, and police any rules we want, because you don't have a right to play the game- we're letting you do so out of the goodness of our little hearts. If you want to play, follow the rules.

#8: The Righte to Poste Documentes Like Thyse Onne:

Everyone else rants. Why shouldn't we?
A Departed Hero...

The First Emperor, Stormclaw, called by history The Noble, Longest-Ruling of the Eight.


 wow..... well..... err.... ummm...... good point
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
*regains composure*

The biggest "hidden rule" I can think of is fairness. If you change something in the game, it needs to apply, or potentially apply, to everyone. That brief raiders and moving restriction placed on Ereptor is a perfect vilotation of this - just look at the bitter arguements it instantly started. Changing it so that the top ten ranks had increasing difficulty at preparing raiders was a much better solution in my opinion. Making it apply to the turbo as well as the regular server was icing on the cake. Players work hard to get and keep their networth, getting it arbitrarily taken away (even the threat of such) scares and angers them. Targeting an individual is the quickest way I can think of to spark such.

Of course, I think that players, myself included, tend to ignore the hidden rules that apply to them as well. Its just so convient to bash the admins.  
gobbling or somekinda hordes... taker yer pick.



It's about time someone stood up for the admins and mods, and with a little humor, too. Again, well said. And bravo. Hope people pay attention (watch as Sha inserts her foot into her mouth at this point...).

Edit - I just wanted to point out that sporks are good things. Yes, that has something to do with the topic.


 Yay admins! We appreciate your efforts  :D

Though some folks do complain, don't ignore constructive criticism. I just want to see the game improve even further and allow everyone to enjoy it!

I did this pic a while ago, but this seems like a good place to post it. Warlords Fanart!

Flamerose, the Incisive Fang
Leader of Clan Tater


Art and Animation at


 You have made some points.  Some i don't agree with, and some i do.  I have played many other games similiar to this one before i found rwl.  In one of them i had to pay.  In another i was an admin.  Paying for a game makes you appriciate it all the more.  It also gives you more rights as a player.  I seem to forget sometimes that those rights don't really apply when you are not paying.  I also forget that all games EDIT EDIT go by the same standards.  If Planetarion (another game), regulated people for getting high, they would get so many complaints it would be insane.  I play the game how it's played, and when someone gets regulated for being at a high rank i think it is unfair.  This game although is different.  Average age here is what, 15, 16?  Instead of being 22, 23 in my previous games.  I sometimes forget this also.  If any of you hate me because i am in the top spot or because of my Mordor story line, well i couldn't feel sorry for you if oyu payed me.  But like wolfbite said there are real people behind these accounts.  Stormclaw and the rest of the admins, I appologize for forgeting how much time and work is spent on RWL.  I have played and conquered and brainstormed on new ideas....but this is a great game.  It could use more work, but so could a lot of games.  I applaud you guys for your efforts in keeping this game free and controling bugs and cheaters.  Thank you very much.  I don't like to seem ungrateful, but sometimes i assume player rights before i consider host's ones.  Cheers,

Chris aka Ereptor
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*

Dead Eye

 I like it, and I see no reason why you guys should get in trouble for mistakes. Keep doing the good job!
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 You guys are Good Admins, I am too lazy too make a game even a addictive game.  Good job.
"Ever since using Strongbad's Ab- Abber 2000, the ladies have been all up ons"

Lend me some sugar, I am your neigbor!

Whats cooler than bein cool? ICE COLD!
Shake it like a Polroid Picture!


 Thanks for the work you do to keep the game going although your spelling could use a little work.  :D : I also think the rule changes were a good way of balancing the chances of those who aren't as high. Thanks!!


 Bravo, Stormclaw!

*upholds the Admin's Bill of Rights*

About bally time someone set all the whiners right about this one!