Is Brain Jacques losing his spirit?

Started by FunkyFerretGuy, April 17, 2003, 05:39:17 PM

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 You sure are modest Deathclaw. <_<  
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Quote from: Dead EyeYes, but Brian Jacques had to come up with the plot all by himself. He came up with having small animals fighting, and Mossflower, and the Redwall Abbey. You just stole ideas from his books.  HE had to come up with all of this. But I am sure that your books off of a series already made will have their own forums, computer games, and people like me fighting over if anyone is as good as you.
First of all, I'm in the writing process, and I doubt you can do any good, so I'd be quiet if I were you.
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 lol, everybody's gettin' soo defensive  :lol:   me think it be funny...  hehe.  But anyways, I thought that Triss was a decent book, and yeah, there are only so many things you can write about in a world of fighting mice...  I'm about to start castaways of the flying dutchman, right after I finnish The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy..  Castaways looks rather unlike the redwall sierries just by its description and cover, but you never can tell...  

Oh, and Deathclaw, if you wish, post your story in the forums when you're through, I'd like to see it if you think it's that good... or just email/IM it to me...  I be rather curious...
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Abby The Rat

 You right about that castaway, it COOL. ~Nods~ I kinda of love it, a really good book.
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 I read the books pretty much in the published order, and the only book I haven't read is Triss. I really enjoy the books, however, they -do- tend to follow a formula, but when you have a series such as Brian Jacques', it's nearly impossible NOT to follow a formula. The only book I really didn't like was The Legend of Luke, the rest are all decently different. It's really quite interesting to read the books and try to figure out the timeline. I am looking forward to Loamhedge, myself...

But indeed. Brian Jaques is growing old, and it's quite hard to write one book, let alone a large series. I believe he deserves our gratitude and stuffs. Even if the books are a little repetitive ;) But then, so are the Harry Potter books, and those are less in number.


 Um... sure his books are good, but they are the exact same with different names!  There's always the "it was a peaceful day at the abbey" and something attacks.  Same with Salamandastron.  I'm not sayng they're bad, I just think they get monotonous after the same thing over and over again.


 You guys are sick.
If I was BJ, I'd stop writing all together! THen we'll see how you ungrateful [Edit] react!
I don't think BJ's books are repeditive, look at this chart.
Lord Brocktree: Very original, the mountain gets taken by vermin. Then he introduces new characters such as the mountain hares.
Martin the Warrior: How often do places in that book pop up?
Mossflower: The founders of the abbey. A great historical aspect in the series and introduces Redwall kinda.
Legend of Luke: An excellant book. A story about Martin's father and it's a goody! Nothing repeditive here...
Outcast of Redwall: Fantastic! I love this one no idea why though. Vermin chase this badger all over the country side, he finds his fortress and chases them back. Simple, but written perfectly.
Mariel of Redwall: Again! A great book. The first one in which the abbey fights in the series. I loved it cause of the naval battles as well as the ground assaults on the abbey and Terramort.
The Bellmaker: This I found the worst of the series, but I loved it all the same! How often do the places in that book pop up in the series?
Redwall: This dosnt really count as it is different from the rest of the series, but it is the only full scale invasion of Redwall in the series.
Mattimeo: Another great one! Jaques extends his map even further!
Salamandastron: Reading it at the moment, but it is a siege on Salamandastron AND strife in Redwall at the same time, it seems very original with the badgers, but I admit, I'd have to read it first!
The Pearls of Lutra: Havn't read this but I've heard about it. This time we have a lizard army. It seems pretty different from the rest in my guess.
The Long Patrol: Yes AGAIN I have not read this book. I've heard it's great all the same.
Marlfox: Nope havn't read this! I have all these books on my shelf but I'm reading other books on top of these, I'll get around to it!
The Taggerung: Very original. Shows a tribe, an otter warrior and much more. However the only fault I could pick out with Taggerung was the lack of battles, it was more sniping and guerilla tactics, but still a nice read.
Triss: Havn't bought it yet. I've heard people don't like this because the names suck? How does that ruin a book. It seems very original too.
Loamhedge: To be released. Jaques hints to us that it's more in the future book in the series. I think anyway. Seems good, seems nice.
So you see ladies and gents, Mr Jaques is NOT losing his spirit, nor running out of ideas. Why, he could make a whole new map if he wanted to...

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