Should I play turbo still?

Started by Sonoras, April 20, 2003, 10:26:04 AM

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 Well?Should I keep on playing Turbo? :o  :huh:  

Peace Alliance

 you threatened me and tryed to make yourself look like the big bad guy. so i kicked your [edit]. it was fon, and you had lots of land so keep on playin for me!


 I don't know you so why should I care?
I like Chicken, I like Liver, Meow Mix,Meow Mix, Please Deliver!



 .....I think......yeah,I don't know im in vacation but it screwed up and it won't let me out :( and brock,im what my  name is(duh)


 Don't be rude to Brock, newb, dear.
Most, if not all, of the people on these forums have forum names different from what their account names are, and you're not exactly an oldbie, or, for that matter, a particularly memorable player, so why should you consider yourself to be known?
Get off the high horse before someone reduces you to pony raising.