Beem have married Calria

Started by Abby The Rat, April 12, 2003, 08:41:56 PM

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 I am not married  ;)  :lol:  :P

I think we should just have a huge forum wedding, and have every body marry every body!
"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin


 So... we're having a giant mass wedding now?

*marries the forums*


Quote from: Beem^_^ Okay! *Marries her as well.* Any other takers?

Though you won't be my only husband...heh.

Dead Eye

Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 *Grr's.* Julie is marrying me. ^_^

RWL: Skittles #17
Turbo: Kagewa no #9
Mini title: ?Aloof From all Grammatical Rules.?
"When the Emperor looks naked, the Emperor is naked."
"Let's all dance around under the rainbow until we get brutally assaulted with Skittles."


 Don't worry, Aus. I'll be your safety marriage if you don't get another :P

 I'll marry Aus!

There seems to be more men than ladies around here.... Maybe I should make a poll.


 Wow, so this is what happens when you take a day off from visiting forums. Yeah, very strange. *slowly backs away*
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis

The Lady Shael

 lol, no, the forum's always been like this, it's just that many people never cared to notice, and some people got a little reckless. ^_^
Soon the insanity here at the RWL forums will rival the RFF's...if that's possible.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.