Darkness Consumes

Started by Daryn, May 12, 2011, 09:00:40 PM

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[like Kilk's please do not post Ic content. Comments are fine]

It was primeval.

The thing had no name, no form, but it was made from sheer will and determination to stay in this world even if its time had already expired. That was what drove it.

It had already abandoned the old form of a fox bandit that had served as its last body and was on the scout for a new one. This time, it would be someone powerful and strong, unlike the previous leader of maybe a gang of five. The new one would be a true warlord.

And so, its malevolent self floated across the greenery of Mossflower. It saw the otters frolicking in the sun dancing of the light on waters of the River Moss, the Guosim tribes upon their log boats racing down the stream, the mighty sandstone fortress of Redwall where suffering seemed not to exist, and the rag tag bands of vermin that haunted the woods, the proverbial jackals of the land.

These were not what it sought. Again, it continued its quest for a good form.

In the fringe woods of Mossflower near the great Broadstream did it find what it wanted. A warlord of a horde, a wolf to be exact. A shiver of delight convulsed its thoughts and if one close enough, there was a shimmering in the air that it occupied, rippling through the dimensions of life, death, and non-death.

With one wild charge, the primal thing threw its consciousness into the wolf, and when the wolf awoke, it was no longer Ragga Sabrefang, but it was primeval.